Chapter 33

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When we all finished shopping at the mall, we decided to go to the movies to watch something. I wasn't deciding on something so I asked them to vote. Melanin, of course, picked the action film and squealed seeing her favorite actor in it. Lexie just picked whatever Lauren picked, which was a romantic comedy movie. Melanin pouted at the choice of film and Lauren giggled at Melanin and chose the action film instead.

Lexie walked beside me the entire time entering the cinema and didn't even want to be close to Melanin. Her distance was noticeable, and she kept her eyes on the tiled floor beneath us that transitioned to the carpeted floor.

"Are you okay, Lexie?" I asked in a low whisper to prevent Lauren or Melanin from hearing us. They linked arms and skipped to buy some snacks to eat during the movie. I saw the way Lauren's hair swayed and shined and almost made heart eyes at her again, but my attention immediately returned to Lexie to make sure she was okay.

"No..." Lexie grumbled. "I'm not..."

"Why? What's wrong? Did someone-" Lexie interrupted me.

"No, no one did anything." Lexie sighed heavily and looked up at me to meet my concerned eyes. "Sorry for being snappy, I'm just...I'm just stressed out."

"It's fine, just tell me if something is bothering you."

Lexie averted her eyes to Lauren and Melanin buying food and returned her gaze back at me. "Have you ever just wanted to hold someone close for a suspiciously long amount of time?"

A chuckle escaped my throat and I smiled a little at her. "I'm dating Lauren, so of course I felt like that before."

" know how it feels to want to grab someone and hold on for dear life. As I said, I know what occurred and why it did, and I promised not to do anything before she's ready. But how am I supposed to hold back so much when she's right there in front of me?"

"Melanin has her special way of letting others know when it's okay to do something." I look at Melanin then at Lexie again. "She's like a ball of acetylcholine, she motivates us to do our best, and helps us feel better by smiling even if she's dying inside." I wrap an arm around her shoulders and rest her head against mine. We were standing a few feet away from them and watched them decide on a slushie. "The Melanin I know doesn't pity or judge anyone, if she senses that you want something, she won't hesitate to give it to you. A hug, a compliment, a piece of her favorite pastry or dessert, or anything that she knows will cheer you up."

"But my feelings..."

"A little serotonin from her won't hurt, Lexie. She might be dense with your emotions, but she's not the type to ignore your body language and obvious signs of needing something. It's almost a two-hour movie, let her give you what you need. You'll feel a bit better I promise."

"How do you even know how to say the right words?" Lexie used the back of her hand to wipe a tear that was almost falling down and sniffed.

"Fucking romance books." I joked. "They have all the cliche answers."

"You mean the same books where the main character obviously likes the love interest, makes it super noticeable and the love interest is too stupid to pick up their hints and loves someone else until the main character finally decides to speak up?"

"Stop calling out my favorite book trope." I playfully push her away causing her to stumble a little and let out a soft laugh.

"Stop picking anticlimactic books that have a predictable ending."

"After I gave you my lovely advice you trash my books. I'm hurt. I'm getting Lauren and heading inside." I marched away towards Lauren and linked my arm in hers. "I'm stealing your best friend, Melanin," I said before pulling Melanin inside and helping her hold her things.

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