Chapter 9

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Saturday finally arrived for our date. The long-awaited date. I don't know what to wear. A dress? Too cliche. Casual wear? Too boring. Sexy wear? Too desperate.

Shit. I need advice. 

I get a call from Melanin and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"I've been your friend for years, and how come I suddenly hear that you're going on a date?"

"It's true."

"What? Shut up!"

I chuckle. "What did you really call for?"

"I have to tell you something."

"Like what?"

"I had a miscarriage last night."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"I am. I guess this is God's way of telling me I messed up or something."

"Melanin, I don't think so. The baby will just go to heaven to prevent themselves from meeting their father and help you try to find true happiness again. The baby wasn't a mistake, but how you made them was. You might need to stay to yourself for the weekend."

"You're such a mom." Melanin giggles.

I smile. "I know, but seriously I have to get dressed."

"Just be naked. I bet Lauren will love that."

"You're not funny."

"But you should wear that leather skirt and that new top you ordered. That'll fit perfectly."

"Thanks! I needed some fashion advice."

"No problem, tell me what happened afterward."

"Mhm," I said before I hung up. "I'm not."

I tossed my phone on the bed before slipping on my clothes. I put on some light make-up. Lip Gloss, lashes, and eyebrows. I'm lucky Melanin and Lexie taught me about make-up.

I looked into my closet for some shoes. I had dozens upon dozens of shoes I couldn't pick from. Shit, I wished I asked Melanin for shoes too. I looked at my outfit and picked the wedged ankle boots. I put them on, grabbed my purse with my things in it, my phone, and walked into grandma's room to grab her car keys. I promised Lauren I'll drive her since I do have a license. But I don't have my own car. I could buy one, but I need my grandma's signature. She's too stubborn to sign shit, so I borrow her car here and there.

"I'll bring it back tonight." I sighed as I walked out of the house. I lock the house and get into the grey Coupe BMW. I start up the car and drive to Lauren's house. Mansion. Whatever she wants to call it.

After a few minutes of driving, I arrived at her home, picked her up, and started driving to the indoor waterpark. I made sure I packed my swimsuit, and she made sure she had hers. But my head is thinking of her half-naked body in that swimsuit. What if she takes off her make-up to swim? What will she look like?

Lauren is wearing a spaghetti strap yellow knee-length bodycon dress with no bra. Her nipples are in full show. Crap. I'm getting turned on looking at her. I just want to stop the car and fuck her now. Wait, who's the top and the bottom? I never thought of that. Who's fucking who?

"You look beautiful," I said with my eyes on the road.

"Thanks, you too. I never imagined you wearing something like this. Your titties are bigger than before."

"I had on a loose shirt," I replied.


"Don't have any weird ideas," I said.

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