Chapter 2

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As fast as I could, I ran to Building 'D', and once I got there, I saw both of them at each other's throats. They were hitting each other until they were bleeding from both their noses and body. I saw scratches on both of them, and strands of Lexie's hair were on the ground. It took two minutes for the school police to arrive and handcuff them - they took them to the principal's office and I followed close behind. Why were they fighting so aggressively before? Weren't they both fine earlier this morning?

I stood outside the principal's office to eavesdrop. I couldn't just turn around and go back to class like that - they were my best friends. 

Why were they fighting? I needed to know.

"Who is going to speak first about this matter?" I heard the principal ask them.

There was silence from both of them.

"If one of you doesn't speak up now, then I will call both of your parents." The principal said.

I could hear Melanin sobbing. She wasn't the only one. Lexie too. They were crying as if something terrible had happened.

"What are you two crying about? I have never seen children your age crying over a phone call home." The principal said.

Melanin's voice cracked as she spoke up first. "I swung first... I swung at her first."

"Why? What was the reason?" The principal asked.

"I did something terrible, but she also did something terrible to me." Melanin continued. "I was secretly in a relationship with her boyfriend, and I... I ended up being pregnant by him."

"Lexie, what did you do to Melanin that made her want to fight you?" The principal asked.

There was silence for a few seconds before Lexie was choking on her words. "I... I'm having a physical relationship with her rapist."

My heart dropped. What did she mean by that?

"Rapist? What do you mean?" He asked.

"I met him at my work a few weeks back, and I gave him my virginity since I like him so much. One night, he got drunk and started bragging about how much of a slut Melanin is and how he loved when she was in pain. Even though I heard that I still stayed with him - I fell in love with him. I can't let him go." Lexie was sobbing harder. "I didn't tell my boyfriend, because I didn't want to lose him either. I love him too."

I could hear the principal sighing from frustration. "Both of you did something terrible to the other, but Lexie... you didn't seem to care about your partner as you continued that affair. What was the point of fighting Melanin? Because she touched what was supposed to be yours?" He sounded like he grabbed a piece of paper. "This problem is a petty reason to fight. I can see why Melanin was angry. You knew she was violated by that person, but you still continued your actions. She is now pregnant with your partner's child. I suggest that when you get home during your suspension is to break up with him and that little affair with that awful man." The room grew quiet for almost ten seconds before he asked. "How old is he, Lexie?"

She didn't answer.

" old is he?"

She still didn't answer.

"If you're not answering, that means he's too old for you. I'm adding this to the problem to speak to your parents about. Not only is he a rapist, Lexie." I could tell he was getting angry. "He's a pedophile. You better go to the police about this, Lexie. This is a serious matter. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes." She responded blankly.

She was upset. I could hear it in her voice.

"I'm sending you both to the front office so you can wait for your parents." He said in a stern tone.

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