Chapter 37

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"Welcome to Ocean High School, everyone! I am the principal of this school, and I hope we can get along this school year!" the principal said into his microphone, his eyes scanned the seated students.

It was the day before the first day of school, and we were going through the same as usual. A long speech about Ocean High School, and then they send the students to the stage to receive their schedules to find their buildings. After they go to their buildings, they can look at their new lockers, classrooms, and hallways.

I sat next to Lexie, who wore her new uniform along with me and styled her hair into a half-up-half-down style. I liked the style, she grew out her hair, and in my opinion, it suits her image.

I straightened my hair with the help of Nyree, and let Nyree trim my ends to remove the dead parts. I also grew my hair out during summer and was a bit mixed about the look. But I kept it to try something new.

I did my makeup for today but kept it natural looking to not do too much. Lauren toned down her makeup and did a natural look too but her lashes were longer than mines.

I like her look but in my opinion, she could've gone with a shorter length.

"Does anyone have any questions?" the principal asked, searching for any hands. When no one raised their hand, he continued to call out everyone's name to receive their schedule.

Everyone was walking onto the stage, while I mused in my thoughts thinking about what happened over summer break. I was still in shock, but at least it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

I met Indigo, which was quite interesting considering I pictured her as this strict woman, with expensive clothing and no type of mercy in her tone.

Instead, what I was met with was a down-to-earth woman, who wore her work clothes in front of guests and employees to look formal, she spoke the same way as I pictured - her letter was a hint, and her hair was very short. It was a pixie cut and she reminded me of a fairy.

A fairy that kept a company standing for years with no help.

"Dani Hills." The principal called my name, and I stood up and walked onto the stage to receive my schedule. I shook his hand to thank him, and grabbed my schedule from him, and walked back to my seat.

I sat down and read my new schedule for my last school year here;

Student name: Dani Hills

School: Ocean High School

Grade Level: 12th

Date: August 22nd



Building A-1st Block-Room A120

Building A-2nd Block-Room A126

Building A-3rd Block-Study Hall

Building A-4th Block-Lunch

Building C-5th Block-C200

Building E-6th Block-E184

Building A-7th Block-Dismissal

"I get to leave early tomorrow?" I mumbled, my eyes scanned the schedule and confirmed I did get to leave early tomorrow. In fact, my whole seventh block for the rest of the school year was dismissal. I didn't want to cheer just yet, until I saw Lexie, Melanin, and Lauren's schedules. I didn't want to just leave early and not have anyone to hang out with after school.

Luckily, my school allows students who don't want to leave that day to hang out in study hall, or in their homeroom classroom if their teacher grants them permission to.

"Lauren Brooks." The sound of my girlfriend's name pulled my attention from my schedule to look on stage.

She smiled at the principal while receiving her schedule, and while she walked off stage, she eyed me and flashed a smile my way.

I smiled back at her and felt my heart race a little. She was so beautiful that it still felt like a dream that I knew her years later.

"She's cute." a guy whispered behind me. "That girl on stage, she's mad cute. You think she's taken?"

Another guy whispered back. "I know her, she's the hot lesbian that dates someone already. I think you should stay back from her, the girlfriend is a can I say this...passive-aggressive."

"I'm still going to shoot my shot." the other guy said.

I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, I wanted to see if he would actually walk up to her later.


"Dani!" Melanin skipped towards me, her tits jiggling as she moved. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me close. "Oh my god, I missed you!"

"It's been like one hour." my voice was muffled by her uniform, and I pulled away to gasp for air. "Why are you so happy?"

Melanin bit down on her glossed bottom lip before turning her schedule for me to look at it. "I get to share a class with Lexie, not even one, I get to share two."

Her first class was two doors from my second block class, and her second class was still in Building D.

I was going to congratulate her when I realized something.

Oh shit, two classes? And both of them have this sexual tension going on? Yeah, that will equal something I rather not walk into.

"Congratulations, Melanin," I said with a smile on my lips, hoping I won't walk into any sessions this year.

"Thanks," she said, sneaking a peek at Lexie, who was standing away from both of us talking to one of the staff members.

The two of them went to therapy for their toxic friendship over the summer, and the therapist told the both of them that there was no more toxicity between them. But they have to practice the anger management lessons on their own to keep their emotions in control.

Melanin and Lexie went from two friends that argued a lot and fought sometimes, to two friends that might turn into something that even I can't insert myself into.

They aren't dating nor do any couple things, but the sexual energy was high so there is a possibility they will do something.

The first time I felt the energy was when I walked into Lexie's home to give her my gift, but when I walked in, Melanin and her were wearing bathing suits and sitting really close. Not friendly close but close, as in, if they were to become self-aware of their closeness. It would become another scene like at the movies months ago, but this time it would've engaged into something more.

I left before they realized I was there to not interrupt them, and left a note saying I came - if they wanted to do something. I don't care but let me save my eyes before they do.

Melanin's therapy sessions are still ongoing, and she's doing extremely better since that incident. She looks healthier, she takes breaks to not over-stress herself, and if she does feel stressed-she'll call Lexie or me to help her relax.

"I have to go to Building A, but text me if you decide to go somewhere," I said, already backing away from her.

"Okay, I get to drive the car today, so if we do go somewhere I'll tell you," she said looking at me before looking back at Lexie.

"Okay." was all I said before booking it out of there to my building.

I love both of them to hell and back, but I had enough sexual energy to suffer through. 

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