Chapter 24

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Lauren, ignoring the therapist that sat next to my hospital, ran into my arms without hesitation. She wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder as she sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her neck, rested my head on top of hers, and let the tears fall. She felt so warm. I missed this feeling.

"D-Dani, I'm sorry for not visiting you," Lauren said in between sobs.

I shook my head. "N-no, it's okay...I-I understand."

"I'm such a bad girlfriend, I ignored your texts and calls and even forced your memories. I-I'm-" I grabbed her head in my hands and tilted her head up to look me in the eyes.

"Lauren, please don't blame yourself, none of this is your fault."

"B-but, you wouldn't be in here if I didn't mention it so much."

I wiped her tears with my thumbs and kissed her nose. "And that's what helped me remember you. If anything, I should be thanking you for helping me remember my past."

"Dani..." Lauren's tears did not stop coming down. "Why are you forgiving me? I literally ignored you for days. You should be angry at me."

"Lauren, you wanted space to think, so I understood that."

"I don't deserve you..."

"Me neither Lauren."

Lauren looks back to see the therapist, who was busy writing on her notepad. "Uh, are you Dani's therapist?"

The therapist looks up at Lauren and smiles. "Yes I am, are you Lauren Brooks?"

"Uh, y-yes."

"I heard so much about you, nice to meet you again."

"Again?" I look at Lauren. "What does she mean again?"

Lauren hid her face in my neck. "I-I might've come here when I could to listen to your sessions. I wanted to come in so many times, but I didn't have the guts to."

"I'm just glad you came." I kissed Lauren's exposed forehead.

"Me too..."

I stroked Lauren's hair. "Did you change your hairstyle? I like it."

Lauren shrugged. "My mom got tired of my messy hair from never leaving my bed to do it, so she styled it this way and told me to go take a walk to take my mind off things."

"It's so silky." I giggled. "It makes you look like a model."

"Funny you said that." Lauren buried her face in my neck more while she spoke. "My parents want me to model for their new partnership with some modeling agency. I have to leave when I graduate."

"Where are you going?"

"They didn't say, just told me to mentally prepare myself to work hard by then."

I had a sudden thought telling me to ask her not to leave, but that would be selfish of me. I didn't want to be the person to keep their significant other from achieving something huge, because my heart aches to not be separated again. I didn't want to risk her hating me for holding her back for being scared to lose her again.

I also didn't want to say the words 'don't leave me' and see a facial expression I never want to see. Sadness.

"Oh...that's great. I'll be here supporting you." I said knowing my voice didn't match my words. My voice had a regretful tone in it. As if I didn't believe in what I was saying.

Lauren heard it and tightened her grip on me. "Really? That's great. I hope we won't lose touch when I leave."

"When are you coming back?"

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