Chapter 50

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My scheduled date to leave the United States is in two weeks and I still haven't managed to do all my paperwork.

Seriously, how did Indigo do this?

"E-Excuse me-" a light knock on my opened door jolted me awake from my daydream. "-I'm the new intern from Ocean High School, um-"

My eyes met with a girl with faux-locs, warm ivory skin, dark brown eyes, and a semi-professional attire that hugged her small frame. I wore my best I'm-definitely-not-thinking-about-committing-arson-on-my-own-company smile and motioned her to come closer.

"Miss Ross?" I asked, shaking her sweaty hand firmly and secretly wiped my hand with an alcohol wipe underneath my desk.

She nodded. "Yes."

I motioned her to sit down and I pulled up her information on my computer. "This says you applied for the Accounting Clerk position, which is a big job for someone who's still in high school. Are you sure your schedule matches the requirement to take on this position?"

She nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

I clicked on her Ocean High schedule and placed it beside the required schedule for the applied position. She did qualify for the time needed to be here, but personally - I'm worried about her emotional capability to do it. Not everyone is fit to do something just because it pays more than other companies.

My company just so happens to welcome interns from High School, which will create an increase in emotional straining from lack of social interaction and alone time.

I don't want to watch her slowly turn depressed from needing money - I can always willingly hand her a position to do from home.

It might not pay as much but it pays more than minimum wage does.

"Let me ask you this, Miss Ross." I interlace my fingers together and look her in the eye sternly. "Say you get accepted for this position and let's say you get started working here every day. What will you do if there's a sudden change in the schedule? How will you attend school?"

"I can manage my schedule to fit the required time to be here," she said while looking uneasy and on edge.

I glanced at her application and averted my gaze back to her. "We have Assistants here that are helpful for emotional needs." I nodded towards Winter, who entered the office with a folder in her hand. "Miss Winter has a psychology degree and is able to give you private therapy sessions when you need it. I'm not saying you do need it - this is just to let you know who we have on our team."

"T-Thank you..." she tried to smile but it looked more uncertain than an actual smile.

I sighed. "You can also talk to me if you want. I may not know you, but if you need to get something off your chest - you can vent to me and I can help the best I can. It won't affect your employment here."

Winter took the hint and walked out of my office after handing me the folder - closing the door behind her.

"There's no cameras or anything to record your voice inside of here," I said in a comforting tone. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to."

Miss Ross fidgeted with her fingers and picked at her cuticles with her thumbs. She looked at me then down at her hands. "I don't know..."

"We can return back to the topic of the position if you want." I hesitantly said, trying not to interrupt her just in case she decided to speak.

"Um-" she pressed her lips together and began to look more restless. "-it's nothing but a small need of money that is important at the moment."

I nodded. "Why?"

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