Chapter 32

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"Who invented derivatives in Calculus?" Lauren complained.

I wrote out the formula in her notebook and tried to simplify it down to her understanding. "Look, you have to do this."

Lauren squinted at the page. "Why the hell is your handwriting so damn neat?"

"Are you really trying to be passive-aggressive about my handwriting?"

"It's so neat, I might need you to teach me how you do it."

"Lauren, just try to solve the problem before I come after your eyelashes."

"I am at this point in life where my own girlfriend threatens to take off my ten-dollar eyelashes."

"Lauren." I groan. I leaned back against my bed. "Do the damned problem."

"Math stands for mental abuse to humans, we need to protest."

I glare at her for a long time until she picks up her pencil and sighs.

"Fine, I'll do the problem." She answers the problem and throws down the pencil. "There."

"That really wasn't that hard."

"I'm sorry I don't have your computer brain that can analyze any question down to an easy answer."

"I don't like your attitude."

"I don't like your fucking genius brain but here we are."

"You're on your period, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not. I'm annoyed by Calculus."

I criss-cross my legs and eye our work. "Hmm..."

"Hmm? What?"


"Nothing? What is nothing?"

"Lauren, I swear to god, let me think really quick."

"Thinking about what?"

I roll my eyes. "Close those lips of yours, please. I'm trying to think of a formula to use to answer this question."

"Make me."

I ignore her and scrunch up my nose at the outcome of a formula I thought of.

"I said, make me," she repeated and leaned in close to my face.

I continued to ignore her and bit down on my bottom lip.

She licks my neck and says; "Dani..."

I side-eye her. "Why are you so needy for my attention? Can I do my work in peace?"

"Can I annoy my girlfriend in peace?"

I gently push her face away and go back to the question I was solving in my head.

"Dani, you're so rude, you know?"

"Shh!" I shushed her.

"Fine." Lauren goes back to her work and scribbles away at her questions.


I finished my homework and watched Lauren struggle with a question. We were sitting at my kotatsu table, which Nyree had furnished in almost every room. She said she liked the concept of the table-a table with a cover. I honestly like it. It helps me study better by keeping me warm.

Lauren had pushed back some of her hair out of her face and let out a frustrated sigh. She erased something on her paper and tried to fix it.

My eyes trailed down and I smirked. I slouched down enough to get underneath the table and went in between her legs comfortably.

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