Chapter 28

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I've been sleeping over at Nyree's home for two days now and drove to school at an earlier time to study in study hall before breakfast starts.

The staff there have already grown accustomed to my visits and stays. I was a regular in coming to study for an hour or so - they see me like their own kid sometimes.

I was studying for my end-of-the-year exam and my quiz, my brain was getting fried just looking at my textbooks and study guides. I rested my chin on my palm as I highlighted important details, and wrote them down in my notebook. I wasn't the most organized person when taking notes, but my notes are written down on how I can learn from them better.

Melanin and I write our notes differently, her notes are in the Cornell Method, while mine is in the mapping method and sometimes the charting method. I barely use the methods to jot down my notes during class faster and easier, but when I get home I rewrite them to be neater.

The end-of-the-year exam is in different types of tests;

The straight A's students, like me, take the honors exam to raise our chances of getting into a university.

The honor roll students, like Melanin and Lauren, take semi-honors - which is almost the same but their questions aren't as hard as ours.

The rest of the students take the regular globally assigned exam, and the students that score the highest on their exam will receive a hoodie or participate in a pizza party.

Depends on how the school feels or wants to do.

Last time I took the honor's exam and scored the highest, I attended a movie night slash party with some other students, but I didn't care for the movie at all and zoned out the entire time.

Now that I'm going into my last year of high school, I'll be not only getting a new uniform, but more applications to fill out for my universities or colleges. I already know what university I'm going to-Beach University.

It's near the beach, which makes the name make sense somewhat, and they allow students to live off-campus and take classes online.

That's my dream university.

Speaking of dreams, I never thought about what I actually want to do once I graduate.

Should I go back to art? But I forgot how to even draw by now. I could ask Lauren to teach me, but she might fuss over how lost I am in it again.

"I could sing or model..." I mumbled as I wrote down a term and meaning. "Can I even sing or model?"

I never sang in front of people before, well not seriously anyway, I usually goof around and sing like a pigeon along with the lyrics.

The only song I know I take seriously is my mother's lullaby that I weirdly sing a lot while studying or showering. She's the one that got me into french, but she barely told me why she did love it. All I know is that she sang around me to calm me down a lot.

"I'm no model, ha, I barely even know how to dress," I muttered while circling a passage to review.

I wish I could model, but the amount of experience I have is playing dress-up with Melanin and Lexie. That was when we were younger though.

"If only I had the talent to show off." I tapped the eraser part of my mechanical pencil against my book.

It was six in the morning, and my first thoughts in the morning were about my future and career. Should I worry about it right now? I mean...I have until next year to think about it.

Then again, it is important to organize your life beforehand to have a better chance at achieving your goals and dreams.

"Ugh," I leaned back into my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. "I can't seem to get my mind cleared. I need a break."

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