Chapter 30

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Nyree drove in front of me and I drove behind her to get to my high school, but before I got out of my car, I managed to dry my tears enough to walk in.

The principal, guidance counselors, some of the staff, and the one and only Ms. Brown. My substitute teacher. They were all sat at the table, ready to confront me about the issue.

Ms. Brown wore a disappointed look on her face, her arms were crossed, and in one hand she held a file which had my name on it.

"Dani Hills." The principal said in a stern monotone. His deep, croaky strained voice was enough to tell me 'you're in trouble, young lady' and 'expect the worst'.

"Yes?" I responded by trying to keep eye contact with him without sweating from nervousness. He might not be the most energetic and expressive principal of my school but heck he is the scariest person of it. My teacher, the one Ms. Brown has to take over for, is scary too but she at least has mercy on us.

This man does not have any mercy - he does not take no shit, no excuses, no attitude, no crap. None. Of. That. If a student decides to misbehave despite his warnings or red cards, he'll expel them and hand them a slip of paper that basically says 'Ocean High School does not accept deficient children to learn in our buildings'.

And from the way he is staring into my soul - he is planning on handing over a yellow card. A warning card that has less punishment than a red card does.

A card is handed to a student depending on their behavior to give to their guardian or parent. A green card means good behavior or very little punishment to none. A yellow card means little punishment, and a red card means extreme punishment and changes will be done.

You have to hand in your card as soon as you walk into your classroom or when the principal asks for it. The punishment will take place at Saturday detention and will be lifted when the principal decides you learned your lesson.

"Do you know what this is?" The principal asks me while showing me the yellow card.

I nod.

He placed it down in front of him but the words on it faced me. "Explain to me why I am giving it to you, and follow up your explanation with a reason why you think it shouldn't be given to you."

"I admit that I walked off school property during school hours, and skipped all of my classes for today but I did it for a family emergency. The guardian you have on file that I live with...i-is dead." My breath hitched in my throat and my eyes stung as I felt them gloss over. That feeling of loss returned and was threatening to get me to cry again. I used my index finger and thumb to pinch the skin on the back of my hand underneath the table to fight back the tears. "I know it's inexcusable and I should've thought of my actions before I acted them out."

I shook one of my legs and bit the inside of my cheek. I pinched my skin harder feeling the pain but my mind refused to tell me it hurt. The only pain I felt was inside of my heart. "I-I'll take any punishment you give me, I'll continue to keep my grades up, and to do what needs to be done for my future."

I licked my lips and a sob escaped them. I gave up trying to put up a brave front and rested my head on my arms that I folded on the table, and I sobbed hard into them loudly. I couldn't even stay strong for long - I'm just a weak person. Weak and alone.

I bet Lauren, Melanin, and Lexie will make fun of me now.

Nyree rubbed my back in circles and whispered "It's okay, Dani." into my ear over and over again to try to calm me down.

I heard the principal clear his throat. "Dani..."

I refused to lift up my head and replied in a raspy and shaky voice. "Y-yes?"

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