Chapter 38

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March 27, 1998

02:43 a.m

Dani Alora Hills

Mother: Daniella Roux Hills

Father: Temporarily Unknown

Gender: Female

I stared at the file that was personally handed to me by Indigo, she sat across from me sipping from her glass filled with alcohol.

"Why is my father's name printed as unknown?" I asked her, my eyes scanning the document searching for his name.

"Database error. They did an update on him days after their input system crashed, and filled in that space with his name. I would get it but the aging of my body is preventing me from doing so." Indigo says, looking away from me, her grin creeping onto her lips. She obviously lied and was too lazy to retrieve the updated file, but I didn't push the matter further.

"Lawrence Gray," I said, the name rolling off my tongue for the first time in years. I haven't said his name in so long, I had to double-check in my mind that I was right - I was. "He was born December 5th, 1979, his middle name is unknown to me personally, and his time of birth was not told to me either."

Indigo smiled at me, and nodded at the information I said about my father. My biological father. The one I hated for years until I gave in to forgive him months ago.

"Excellent, my dear sister." Indigo places down her glass cup and slips her gloved hand into her expensive purse that was beside her to pull out a small book. She flicked her wrist to toss it to me, which I caught miraculously. ''That is mother's old diary, which she hid under the floorboards at our old home. I retrieved it before it was put up for sale, and have not read it till this very day. I think her own flesh and blood should read her precious writings."

I looked down at the small book in my hands and nodded. "I'll tell you anything interesting I find, if that's okay with you, Indigo?"

She did a 'come here' motion with her index finger to get her assistant over to her. "Only if you want to, Dani," she whispered something to her assistant and sent her out of the room. "By the way, you mentioned graduating next year, which I was unsure of because Ocean High is very private with their students' information."

"Ironically, they are one of the most interviewed schools of the district about the students there, including me."

"Mhm, indeed, ironic, but soon you will be able to clear your name from the public's mouth by becoming a being worth more than any of them. Have to thank the woman for pursuing her company into a great marketing placement."

I nod, the office was huge, and it was going to be mine soon. The chandler hung from the ceiling above us, and the Paris news echoed from down the hall. I was still in Miami, but the office was a copy of the one in Paris. I would work here and over there.

Ugh, my life is about to be busy-I hope Lauren will have time to see me during all of this.

"Well," Indigo checks her watch. "I can either talk for another hour or two about family matters or answer any questions you have for me and send you back home."

I nodded. "Yeah, there's one, uh, my friend, Lexie, she reacted weirdly when I mentioned you months ago."

Indigo giggled. "Oh, Miss Lexie? Oh my, I forgot all about her." she waves to dismiss the obvious conclusion I had in my mind. "She's just a little scared of me, she met me years ago, and I played a teensy prank on her - which led to her being terrified of me."

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