Chapter 46

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The cold air bit at my exposed face as I walked to my car.

It's finally Winter break - I can finally relax to enjoy my time off from school.

My mentality is getting better, along with my physical build.

I've been going to fighting classes for the adrenaline rush and distraction.

My sleep schedule is better, my concentration is also better-along with my relationship with Lauren.

We're going strong and neither of us bothered to touch each other - that bet we made months ago has been forgotten.

But we both unconsciously stay clear of the action that occurs after kissing.

We just decided to not do it yet, school has us underneath our skin and finding out that we only have less than half a year left until we both go our separate ways is pressuring us to make memories.

"Yay, warm air." I slouched in my car seat, relaxing for a moment to let my body warm up a little before driving.

Nyree was on vacation from work for two weeks. She's about to graduate from school and try to get hired at the hospital as a Nurse. Hopefully, she accomplishes that, she deserves it.

"Time to drive." I sighed, sitting up to put on my seat belt.

My destination was Lauren's house for a sleepover.

Three days' worth of a sleepover.


It's now January.

It's time for us seniors to do a whole bunch of quirky shit that we'll never remember later in life.

My birthday is around the corner again, and this'll be my nineteenth year of being alive-great.

I went to the hospital for my appointment this month to get my brain scanned. After doing that, I would always visit Lauren to tell her nothing is found or go back home to handle school-related things - usually homework.

Before I realized it, it was Valentine's Day.

The whole school was preparing for Prom and hung up balloons around the pillars.

I asked Nyree to help me bake chocolates for Lauren, Melanin, and Lexie-but mostly just Lauren.

I spent that day with Lauren and her parents to enjoy the rest of the day.

Lauren and I still haven't touched each other, too busy with senior-related activities.

My days grew busier after that.

I had to practice my French to communicate in Paris once I moved. I had to study to pass my exam to graduate and keep up with my hospital appointments at the same time.

Lauren was busy too. She was studying, helping out, and constantly assisting her parents with personal needs.

We both didn't have time for each other until my birthday, which gave me time to relax and do whatever I wanted.

Melanin and Lexie were busy with family needs but wished me a happy birthday anyway.

Lauren and I just ordered take-out and spent the day watching new releases in her room to not move a muscle - we were just too tired to do anything proactive.

Then months later, exams came-at the same I had to pack my bags to leave soon.

I barely had enough stamina to concentrate on my exams, but I passed them with no problems to graduate from Ocean High.

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