Chapter 53

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I rouse awake to a congenial, contenting sensation from my pussy. 

At first, I felt disoriented, thinking I was still dreaming, but when I realized I was fully awake - I throw off the cover to see Lauren in between my legs, lapping my clit slow with her eyes closed. 

She opened her eyes to look up at me and smiled. She didn't stop, instead, she winked and hid with the cover again. 

I didn't say anything except I laid back down and covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to moan out loud. 

I noticed that the room was partially dimmed and mentally noted that I should contact my office to inform them of my absence tomorrow. 

"Lauren-" Lauren quickly shut me up by inserting two fingers inside of me, continuing to suck and lick my clit. "-Mmm, s-shit-" I exhaled under my breath, barely concealing my moans that were leaving my throat. 

I gripped the cover as I felt my orgasm wash over me. My eyes rolled back and my legs trembled. I didn't know that I was capable of coming that fast but I did. 

Lauren took out her fingers and came out of the cover to kiss my lips, allowing me to taste myself on her tongue. 

When she pulled away, she looked me in my eyes for a brief moment before smiling. "Did I do good?" 

"Yeah," I breathed, nodding. "you did amazing, Lauren." 

"I wanted to try waking you up with cunnilingus since you said I could before and-" 

"Lauren, I didn't mind it. If you want to wake me up like that then go ahead." 

"Okay," she pecked my lips. "also Lexie asked me to tell you that she's running tomorrow and wanted to see if you're going." 

"Of course I'm going, why wouldn't I? She's my best friend, I wouldn't want to miss it for the world." 

"Great, then I'll set my alarm for five in the morning." 

"Five in the what-?" 


"Lauren," I glared at the bleachers and the bright sun. "have I ever mentioned how much I despise early mornings?" 

"Yes you did, Dani," Lauren turned off her car and leaned back. "all the way here from my house." 

"The sun pisses me off." 

"I understand, Dani, take off your seatbelt," Lauren said, motioning me to unbuckle my seatbelt while I continue to glare ahead of me. 


"I know, Dani, but please put on your sunglasses and baseball cap, there are random people here." 

I grumpily put on my baseball cap and sunglasses, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Thank you," Lauren handed me a face mask while she tucked the string behind her ear using her other hand. "put it on so no one can see us." 

"Won't that just scream 'I'm obviously trying to hide my famous face from everyone by wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a face mask in the hot sun'?"

"Nah, people do it all the time when they don't want no one they know to recognize their face in public." 

"If you say so," I put on my face mask, already regretting waking up and coming here in the early fucking morning. 

I rather watch a horror movie in the pitch dark than wake up at five in the morning to see people run.

"Dani, if you don't want to go then say so, we can go back home to fall back asleep," Lauren said in a low, soft tone. 

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