Chapter 5

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Days passed with us walking side by side through the crowded hallways of this school. I can tell Lauren's admirers are giving the side-eye by now. I'm around her every day and every minute. She runs to my classes to spend time with me, and I go to her classes to spend time with her. Like if we're in a relationship or something.

"Dani!" a familiar voice shouts to me from behind me. I looked behind me, so did Lauren-we saw Lexie running to us with open arms. Lexie runs up and hugs me. "Dani! I missed you!"

I didn't hug her back. Not because of what happened between her and Melanin. It's because I finally became self-aware of our friendship. I used to think we were best friends with no issues whatsoever, but when I opened my eyes for the first time thanks to Lauren.

I realized what shitty friends they are.

"Hi, Lexie," I said, avoiding her eye gaze to look at Lauren instead. Her arm was looped with mines. She knew I was uncomfortable. Besides the student president, she is the only person who understands the problem with me and my 'friends'.

Lexie stops hugging me, "What's wrong?"

I didn't tell either of them that I found out about their little scandal between both of them. Melanin being pregnant, and Lexie being reckless. I hate it.

"Nothing," I responded.

"Who is she?" Lexie asks.

I finally looked her in the eye, "Lauren."

Lexie made a thin line with her lips, "You said her name so defensively. You replaced your loving friends with one chick?"

"This 'chick' is my girlfriend," I responded then Lauren squeezed my arm, I looked at her to see her smiling. I smiled back. "She's not replacing anyone."

I look back at Lexie, "Why not tell your dear friends about this? Aren't we important?"

Just when I was about to respond, Melanin walks up behind Lexie. Her stomach does show a little progress in her pregnancy.

"Hey guys, did I miss anything?"

Lexie and Lauren look at Melanin, and then Lexie turns back before walking off in the opposite direction of her. "I'll talk to you later, Dani."

Melanin walks up, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your discussion."

I sigh, "It's fine."

Lauren squeezes my arm again, I look at her, she looks at Melanin and back at me. She wants to know why I'm nicer to Melanin than Lexie. I shook my head as to say I'll talk about it later. She nods, and I turn back to face Melanin.

"Are you two friends or something?" Melanin asks. "Because if so, this is awesome. Dani never talked to anyone besides me and Lexie."

She's mentioning her name as if Lexie didn't have an affair with her rapist. Something is up.

Lauren smiles, "Yes, I have been her 'friend' for a while now."

I roll my eyes, "Melanin, she's my girlfriend. She's sarcastic."

Melanin looks at her and back at me, "Dating? As in loving and doving?"

I nod, "Duh, That's what dating means."

"Do you know what you want yet? You never dated before."

Lauren looks at me and back at Melanin. "She isn't sure yet, but she's willing to try for my sake."

"Your sake?" Melanin questions.

"I'm in love with her," Lauren says. "I have been for a while now."

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