Chapter 49

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I've been stuck at the office - the one in Miami - and denied all calls that were spam and pranks for eight full hours. I'm almost considering calling each number back to explain the process of an aneurysm, and how quickly it can kill me if they continue this game they're playing.

The only thing that's stopping me is the little innocent voice in my head that screams 'don't risk your hard work for immature people'.

God damn my guilty conscience - it always makes me want to do the right things at the most annoying moments.

"Stop thinking so hard-" a pack of mint gum hit my forehead and landed on my desk. I didn't need to look up or acknowledge the person who threw it - their voice was loud enough to let me know who it was. "-you'll get wrinkles."

"What do you want, cat lady?" I stamp a piece of paper and slide it with the stack next to me. "Here to tell me how Persian cats are better than Sphynx cats?"

"Leave my babies alone and chew that one dollar gum I tossed to you." Indigo sat in front of my desk to stare at my process of completed paperwork. "As usual, you're being hasty with your work."

I shrug. "I want to finish as much as possible before I head home."

"Try not to rush so much, you need to file these."

"I know that."

Indigo went quiet for a few seconds and smiled. "How's Lauren?"

"She's alright."

"Are you going to marry her soon?"

I look up at Indigo and back down at my work. "I never thought about marriage. It sounds like one big hoopla about wearing an expensive ring while calling each other wife. It might sound nice to sign paperwork and pay thousands of dollars to live together, but I would rather just ask her and see what she wants - I don't want to ask her something that'll make her uncomfortable."

"You could try a trial marriage if she thinks marriage is a good idea. Just to see if you two are compatible with living together every day for the rest of your lives."

I sighed and looked back up at Indigo. "In your honest opinion with no sugar-coated filter - do we look compatible with living together without divorcing in the end?"

"Yes," Indigo nodded. "You must've forgotten that I was around you for some time when you were a kid, and I recall times that you would talk about Lauren after having her in your class. Those were the days where talking and playing was your main priority. You loved to draw, paint, play, talk, and befriend anyone that you weren't shy around. Sometimes you would cry if you met strangers, but with Lauren - I don't think you cried around her. I think you two are soulmates."


"Maybe in your past life, you two were in love and now in this life, you are together again. You two were probably always meant for each other - like bees and honey."

"Soulmates could just mean two people who are born from the same star."

"I think soulmates mean when your soul and your lover's soul continue to find each other in every life."

"Sounds so cliche, but-" I rest my chin in the palm of my hand. "-I guess that sounds reassuring to know me and her will always be together no matter what."

"That's so sweet that I might need to vomit."

"Grow up." I press the button on my phone to ignore an incoming call - I know I shouldn't do that but I'm too tired to deal with anyone right now.

"I did grow up." Indigo smiled softly. "By letting go of mistakes."


Lexie invited me to her studio yesterday to record for fun.

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