Chapter 7: Cartoons

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I read my book with the radio on low in the background. Every now and then I look out the window to watch Sienna do the gardening. It makes me smile to see how much she enjoys it. She's always looking after the plants and planting new flowers.

"Good afternoon, and what a beautiful afternoon it is! You're listening to Music Daily, and we've got some great tunes for you coming up." The animated voice of the radio presenter speaks. "Next we're going to be pulling on your heart strings with one of my favourite Coldplay songs - Yellow."

I immediately stop reading. Hearing the guitar instantly brings back memories... my heart begins to beat faster, and I come over feeling a deep sadness.

"Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you, and everything you do. Yeah, they were all yellow."

Already tears are rolling down my cheeks. I listen to the song and stare at the wall. I haven't heard this in so long... I feel a crushing weight on my chest, and I feel like I'm being stabbed in the stomach.

There's a noise that comes from the window. I take my eyes away from the wall and see a little bird perched on the windowsill. It's a little Robin...

I get up from my chair and slowly walk over to the window. I stare at the bird with a little smile forming in the corner of my mouth.

"Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones. Turn in to something beautiful. And you know, you know I love you so, you know I love you so."

I frown as a little sob escapes my mouth.


I draw my eyes away from the bird and see Sienna standing in the kitchen looking concerned.

"What's wrong?"

I take one more look at the Robin and wipe my face before turning around.

"Turn that off." My voice breaks as I point to the radio and leave the kitchen.


It's surprisingly quiet in the common room today, and that's because for the first time in months the TV isn't blaring out loud. Seems like Chrissy got the message when her and Maya had that fight. She's no longer in control of the TV remote either - Maya is.

Chrissy is sat with some other patients colouring, while Maya is watching Tom and Jerry. At least they're keeping their distance from each other.

I look over at the TV and smile at a funny scene. I also see a little smile from Maya. It may not have been a full smile, but a little one at least. I haven't seen any other emotion from her expect for sadness since she's been here, so it makes me happy to see her enjoy the cartoon.

I make my way over to the sofa and sit down, leaving a space between myself and Maya. She doesn't look at me, but I know she can see me from the corner of her eye. I stay quiet and watch the TV with her.

"Tom and Jerry is great, isn't it?" I smile.

I look at her, but she doesn't say anything.

"Do you have a favourite cartoon?" I ask.

She hesitates to move her head to look at me. When she finally does she frowns when she sees the scratch on my face.

"I'm sorry for hurting you."

"I'm fine." I shake my head. "It doesn't hurt."

"I really shouldn't have done it though."

She's starting to get upset. Her eyes have gone glossy from her tears.

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