Chapter 28: Are We Ok?

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I trace my index finger over my lips, thinking of the kiss that happened between Maya and I, and how good her lips felt on mine. It almost feels like a dream I had. I've been longing to kiss her all this time and it finally happened. The moment my lips touched hers, it was like I was sent on an emotional rollercoaster. I felt elated, but then Wes ruined it.

I sigh and look over at what once was mine and Maya's fort. The blankets are piled on top of each other on the end of the sofa. I took it all down quickly before Wes could see. He would have said something stupid about it, and that would've been the final straw and I would've snapped at him.

I didn't know what to do when Maya ran off like that. Part of me wanted to go after her, but the other part of me knew that she was probably overwhelmed and freaked out, so she would've wanted to have some space. I'm not sure how she's feeling... probably confused. I know she wants us to stay friends, so I guess I should've tried harder to hold back, but it was impossible. I wish she would reply to my text, though... she knows I would understand. I take out my phone and stare at the text message.

"I hope you're ok. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

For the rest of the evening I don't hear anything from her. I'd try calling her if I had her number, but I don't. I need to get that at some point.

I eventually stop staring at my messages and go to bed, but I don't sleep very well because I'm too concerned about Maya.


I wake up feeling tired and disappointed. Still nothing from Maya. I shower and have breakfast, and head for work.

I park up, and before heading inside I send Maya another text.

"Good morning. Please let me know you're ok. Can we talk? Not on here, in person."

And with that, I put my phone away and start my day at work, not checking my phone until my lunch break, and I'm relieved when I see Maya has replied, but a very blunt reply...

"I finish work at 6. See you then."

Fuck... I've really messed up. She sounds annoyed, and upset even. Now I have all sorts running through my mind. I would've stopped kissing her if I thought she wanted me to stop, but her reactions and body language told me she wanted the kiss.

For the rest of the day I'm not very focused on my tasks. I'm too worried about how Maya is feeling and how stupid I've been. I hope I haven't ruined things between us.

I stay on a bit later at work and when I've finished I head straight to see Maya. I get to the restaurant a little bit before 6, so I wait in the carpark. It's not snowing today, but it looks like it might rain. I tap my thumb on the steering wheel nervously and stare at the time. It hits 6 o'clock and straight away I'm out of my car. I walk over to the entrance and just as I'm walking up the steps, the door opens and Maya is standing there.

Her pretty green eyes lock on to mine, and she keeps a straight face before showing a little smile. Her hair is up in a messy bun, with a few loose curls dangling down on her face. She adjusts her bag on her shoulder and clears her throat, looking away from me as the door shuts behind her.

"Hey." I say softly.

"Hey." She replies, briefly looking at me again.

I feel little droplets of rain hit my head and glance up at the sky.

"We can talk in my car, if that's ok? Or yours."

"I had to walk to work today."

"Oh, why's that?"

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