Chapter 90: Body Paint

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"Ready or not, here I come!"

I open my eyes and look around the kitchen.

"Hm, I wonder where she could be?" I said with a raised voice as I looked under the kitchen table.

"Nenna, where are yooou?" Michael shouts from the living room.

She's definitely not in here. I meet Michael in the living room, seeing him search behind the sofas and curtains.

"She's not in the kitchen."

"She's not in here either."

We hear faint little giggles and quick pitter-patter of feet run across the hall. Michael and I smile at each other, and I quickly follow the noise.

I take a quick look in the downstairs bathroom, but she's not there. The only room left down here is Michael's office, so I head straight for it.

"Nenna, come out, come out wherever you are." I said and quickly poked my head under the desk.

I hear little giggles again and look up. It's coming from the window... and now I've found her. She's hiding behind the curtain. I can just about see her socks, which are poking out from the bottom of the curtain. I smile to myself and pretend I haven't found her yet.

"Where is she?! I think she might have disappeared... I can't find her anywhere!" I pace around the room. "Is she behind the bookcase? No... the sofa? No... hmm... I wonder where she is?" I carefully walk closer to the window. "Is she... behind the curtain?!" I pull it back, and she screams. "I got you!"

"Nooo!" She giggles and runs away.

I run after her, following her out into the hall. Michael suddenly leaps out from the living room and grabs her, picking her up.

"There she is!" He laughs.

Sienna can't stop giggling. It's so adorable.

"We got ya!" I smile and tickle her while Michael keeps her in his arms.

"You didn't find me! I'm invisible!"

"Oh, is that so?" Michael raises his eyebrows. "If you're invisible, how can I do this?" He moves his hand to her neck and starts to tickle her, making her scream and laugh even more.

The doorbell rings, making Michael stop and put her down.

"Saved by the bell." He smirks.

I smile and make my way to the front door.

"It's your turn to hide, Uncle Mike."

"Who said that?" Michael pulls a face and looks around.

"I did!"


"Yes! Me!"

"Where are you?"

"I'm right in front of you!" She jumps up and down and tugs on his trousers.

"Nooo... I can't see you. You're invisible, remember?"

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