Chapter 72: Time Is Precious

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"Hey, Mike!"

Wesley welcomes me in with a big man hug and pats my back.

"Hey." I laugh softly.

"How's it been going, man?"

I've just gone through the hardest few weeks of my life, and hearing my best friend ask me that almost makes me want to burst in to tears.

"Yeah... fine..." I pull away and show half a smile.

"Where's Maya?" He asks as he shuts the front door.

"Uh, she's working."

"Oh." He nods and then smiles before playfully hitting my arm. "It feels like I haven't seen you for ages."

I make a face and chuckle.

"It's been 3 weeks, Wes."

"Almost 4." He corrected me as he raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, almost 4." I smile, rolling my eyes.

"We've been back for days now! I text you a few times about catching up, but you didn't reply. What's taken you so long, huh? I missed my brother!"

"Sorry... I've been busy..."

"It's alright, I'm just messing." He smiles. "So, what's been happening with you while I've been away?"

He starts walking towards the kitchen and I follow behind.

"I don't want to talk about me... I want to hear about your honeymoon. Did you and Amy have a good time?"

"Yeah, it was incredible."

"We had the best time." Amy chimed in.

She's stood at the other end of the kitchen with a big smile on her face, resting her hand on her bump.

"Hi, Amy." I smile and my eyes are immediately drawn to her bump.

She's glowing and she looks so happy, and I'm incredibly happy for her, for both of them, but I can't help but feel sad too. Amy is carrying a little human inside of her, and Maya will soon be having part of her cervix removed... I don't blame Maya for not wanting to come today because seeing Amy's growing bump would just add to her pain.

"Hey." She smiles and makes her way over to me.

I quickly blink away the tears that have glossed over my eyes and gently hug her.

"How is everything?" I ask as I pull away. "How are you and the baby?"

"We're good, thanks." She sighs heavily and rubs her bump. "Just 6 more weeks to go. I'm so done with being pregnant."

"Wow, not far to go now. That's flown by." I widen my eyes.

"I wish it felt like that for me." She laughs.

"Yeah, me too." Wes mutters.

Amy shoots him a look and he flashes an innocent smile. She shakes her head and puts her attention back on to me.

"How are you, Michael?"

"I'm ok." I nod, showing a little smile.

"Where's Maya?"

"She's working..."

"Oh, that's a shame." She frowns.

"Sit down, Mike." Wes said as he opens the fridge. "What do you want to drink? Soda, juice, water, beer?"

"Juice is fine, thanks."

We sit down and Wes and Amy tell me all about their honeymoon, and honestly, Portugal sounds beautiful. I'm glad they had a good time, and they've made some incredible memories. They showed me all the pictures and footage they took too. Of course Wesley was pictured with food in one hand and an alcoholic drink in the other most of the time.

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