Chapter 4: Help Me, Help You

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"Thanks for sitting in on this one, Michael." Dr. Kay smiles.

"No problem. I'm happy to help." I smile back.

"I've heard Miss Carlson has been a bit of a handful since arriving here." She says as she adjusts her glasses and scans over the report in her hand.

"We've had more difficult patients in the past. She's just finding it hard at the moment."

"Yes. Well, I hope she settles in soon. Have you spoken much?"

"No. She's quiet, and it doesn't seem like she wants to interact with anyone yet."

"That's understandable, and that's the behaviour we would expect to see at this stage." She nods.

We're interrupted by a knock on the door. Dr. Kay turns her head and takes off her glasses.

"Yes. Come in." She calls.

The door opens and a nurse appears.

"Hi, I have Maya Carlson for you." She smiles.

Maya walks in from behind the nurse, and when she sees I'm in the corner of the room she sighs and hangs her head down.

"Hi, Maya. Take a seat." Dr. Kay smiles.

She keeps quiet and sits on the sofa. She keeps her eyes on the floor, and begins to jog her leg nervously.

"I'm Dr. Kay - one of the psychiatrists here, but you can call me Charlotte."

Maya starts playing with her hands, and picks at the skin around her fingernails.

"This is Michael, but I'm sure you already know who he is. He'll be assisting me today by documenting our session and taking notes."

There's another knock at the door, making Dr. Kay sigh.

"Yes?" She calls out.

The door opens, and a social worker pops his head in.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt, but can I have a quick word, Dr. Kay?"

"I'm with a new patient." She sighs and stands up. "But, yes. If it's quick. I'm sorry, Maya. I won't be long. Would you like me to fetch you a drink?"

"No..." She shakes her head.

Dr. Kay walks out of the room, leaving me and Maya sat in silence. She scoots  right up to the end of the sofa, looking a bit worried to be left alone in the room with me. She makes no eye contact and jogs her leg faster. I should say something to try and relax her. I lick my lips before speaking.

"It'll be ok, Maya."

She brushes back her curls, and continues to stare at her hands.

"I'm sorry about you and your boyfriend."

"Why?" She finally speaks up, and screws her face up.

"Because a breakup isn't easy. I've been there myself... it's not nice."

She shrugs, and starts touching the bandages that are around her arm.

"I've had worse things happen."

The door opens and Dr. Kay walks back in.

"Sorry about that." She says as she sits down. "I've told everyone I'm not to be disturbed now."

She puts her glasses on, picks up Maya's record, and skims through a couple of bits.

"Ok, so what's going to happen today is I'm going to ask you some questions to try to get an idea of what the issues are for you, then decide on some treatment or discuss things further with my colleagues about what's best for you."

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