Chapter 36: Gone

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It's been 2 days since the terrible situation with Maya and her father, and I still haven't heard a thing from her. I've probably annoyed her with how many times I've text and called, but I have no idea how she's coping right now and I'm worried sick about her. I can't think straight. I haven't been sleeping properly and I've barely had any kind of appetite.

I had work yesterday and I almost didn't go in... I couldn't concentrate at all, so I might as well of stayed home. After work I went straight to Maya's place again, but no one was home and her car wasn't there this time.

It's my day off, so today I'm going to try my best to get through to Maya, even if it means spending all day looking for her. I just want to know if she's ok... the fact that she hasn't even sent me a text just makes my mind go into over drive and I start to think of the worst...

Once again, I'm greeted by Ronnie at the door, and she doesn't look in the best of moods. She rolls her eyes and sucks hard on the cigarette in her hand.

"You don't give up, do you?" She said as she blows out the smoke. "You're like a cute, slightly annoying lost puppy."

"Where's Maya?" I frown. "I need to see her. Is she inside-"

"Good fucking question!" She scoffs. "I have no idea where she is."

I give her a look and she raises her eyebrows.

"Seriously, I have no idea. I lied to you the last time, but this time I'm being honest. I don't know what the fuck's going on with her."

"What do you mean? You haven't seen her?"

"I came home yesterday and there was broken glass on the floor, and her room was a fucking mess, like, she's smashed everyhing up. Her clothes are gone, so she's just upped and left suddenly, leaving me without any kind of notice."

"What?" I make a face.

"Right!" She shakes her head. "How the fuck am I going to pay the rent now? She could've at least left her half before she decided to fuck off."

"Are you sure she's gone? Maybe she's working... or... I don't know..." I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"I ain't seen her for two days." She shrugs. "You can try the restaurant, but she's definitely gone. It's probably got somethin to do with Dylan, no doubt."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since Maya ended things with him he's been on her case. He comes here knocking all the time, he's fucked her car up, and he was sending her shit online. He's a creep."

That's why Maya deleted her social media... because of him... and I knew her flat tyres had something to do with him too. Why didn't she tell me he's been harassing her like this? I didn't think things were that bad...

"She's probably gone to get away from him." She shrugs.

"Do you know where she could've gone?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, hot stuff, but hey, every cloud has a silver lining and all that crap, wanna move in? I'll be needing a new roommate and you've come just at the right time." She smirks.

I give her a look and shake my head. This girl is unbelievable.

"No." I turn around and quickly make my way for the stairs.

"Fine!" She scoffs and shouts after me. "If you find her, tell her she owes me alcohol, pills and rent money!"

Where the hell could she be? She's been gone for the last two days... she could be anywhere by now and in a bad way. She probably isn't working, but where else can I try? Maybe her boss or someone she works with knows something, so the next place I go to is the restaurant, but I have no luck there either...

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