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"This place is amazing!" Jesse said, looking around the resort. Tristan hugged him from behind, putting his head on the boy's shoulder.

"Nice, isn't it? Jake chose it, " Tristan looked at me.

"Jake, you're amazing. I didn't think we would come to a great place like this when we were planning the trip," Jesse gave me a thumbs up.

I just chuckled before looking at Dylan. He was nervously looking around, causing a frown to form on my lips.
"What happened? " I walked close to him and took his face into my hands.
"Don't you like the place? We can go somewhere else if you don't like—"

"N-No," Dylan quickly cut me off. "I like it….It's just….. It must have been very expensive… " He looked down.

"I told you not to worry about it," I gently kissed his nose. "Money is not a problem for me, especially when it comes to you," I hugged him. "I'll buy you everything you want,"

Dylan blushed, snuggling into my chest.

"Hey, love birds! Come on, let's go to our rooms," Tristan called us before walking away.

Look who's talking. He literally smooches Jesse's face off whenever he gets the chance.

"Let's go," I kissed Dylan's head, making him look up at me.

"How many rooms did you book? " He suddenly asked.

I scratched my neck. "Umm… Two… Uhh… Tristan told me they both need only one room and-and so I thought we can share a room too…. but it's-it's totally fine if you need another one,"

"No," Dylan blushed. "I-I'm fine with sharing," He stuttered out as I sighed in relief.

"Thank you," I couldn't help but grin wide in excitement.

Dylan chuckled and shook his head before turning to walk away.

"Let's rest today and go to the beach tomorrow morning, " Tristan said as we reached our rooms.

Dylan nodded. "Yeah, you guys need rest," He waved at the duo who waved back before going into their room.

Both of them 1must be really tired. It was a long drive and Tristan was the one who drove. Jesse got car sick after two hours. We had to stop a few times for him to puke.

"Good thing we ate dinner at that restaurant because I don't wanna freshen up and get ready to go out again," I sighed as I took out the keys of our room.

I just want to take a shower and cuddle with Dylan.

The room was pretty big and fancy. We had a huge bed, candle lights, and a full glass window balcony facing the ocean.

It looked cool.

Dylan looked amazed by it. He was looking out the window in awe and that was enough to fill my tummy with butterflies.

"You can shower first," I told Dylan who looked up at me suddenly.

"No,  you go first," Dylan refused. "I have to call mom,"

I nodded. "Tell her I said hi," I kissed his cheek before opening my bag and taking out my clothes.

I threw a quick glance and winked at the blushing boy before striding towards the bathroom.


I thought as I smirked.

"Hey, I'm done," I said as I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair.

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