"What?! Dude, are you crazy? I'm not gay!" I turned to him. I knew he would spout some bullshit like this.
Jake laughed. "I know, but you want her attention, don't you? Well, this seems to be the only way and I heard that he's gay,"
Is he crazy or did his brain cells all die from not using it for a long time? "What you're telling me to do is gonna ruin all my possible chances with her," I huffed. "So no thanks and how do you even know that he's gay?" I scoff at my best friend's stupid idea.
"Dude, look at him…" He gestured with his eyes. "He's too shy and cute to be straight. He blushes every time a guy talks to him. It's not that hard to see, " Jake smirked.
"Well, whatever. I'm not gonna go with your stupid ideas," I shook my head as I walked to my next class. I know he's just playing with me. Jake likes to get me all worked up. I don't know why I'm still friends with this idiot.
"Hey, wait up!" I heard him say behind me as he ran to catch up.
"I'm just kidding man," He laughed. "But you could use my idea though, like not to date him or anything but you know...get close to him…." He shrugged.
"For what? " I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, he doesn't have many friends. He only has one friend or something. So if you became close with him, Lisa would definitely notice you and maybe... she will start to like you too…" He grinned.
Hmm...That sounds okay. It's better than going out on a date with him. All I want is her attention to show her that I'm not like those boys who are trying to get into her pants. I just want to show her that I'm sincere about being with her.
How can I get in a relationship with her if she doesn't even know I like her? I really need to do something to make her realize how I feel about her.
Hanging out with Jesse seems to be a good idea. I can ask him about his sister and maybe learn from him what she likes and doesn't like. I know Lisa checks on her brother often so if I'm lucky, I'll get a chance to interact with her.
But how am I going to be friends with him?
He too seems pretty much unapproachable. I've never even paid attention to him before. He's gonna think I'm crazy if I go up and tell him that I wanna be friends with him. We're so opposite of each other.
"I don't know….I don't think he would want to hang out with me. He's gonna think I'm a creep or something for suddenly going up to him like that,"
"That's right," Jake pursed his lips. "Hey, how about you ask him for his help.... like with your studies? You know, he's a nerd and all that so maybe he will help you?"
"Seems like a good idea, " I nodded. "But what if he asks me why I'm not hiring a private tutor?" I scratched my neck. "I'm pretty sure he knows that I have money to do that, "
"I don't think he's gonna ask you about that, " Jake laughed. "That boy doesn't seem like the type to ask you many questions and if he does, just tell him that you hired one and fired them because you didn't understand anything they tried to teach you, " He shrugged. "That'll be enough to make him believe, "
I looked at Jake with a frown. "Do you always lie to people like this? You seem to be really good at coming up with lies, "
"I have had good training since childhood. I used to lie to my parents all the time, "
"That's not something to be proud of, "
"Who are you? The God of truth?" He rolled his.
"I wonder how many times you lied to me, " I huffed.
"I never lie to you. I used to lie to my parents to get some stuff from them, " He looked at me. "So what do you think about my idea? Are you up for it? "
"Hmm...I don't know, I need to think about it," I sighed, raking a hand through my hair.
"Whatever, man…. It's your choice," Jake patted my back before walking into the classroom.

Honey (BxB)
Romance"Hmm... You taste honey." Cover designed by: @querencia_Star