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I skipped through the hallway with Tristan trailing behind me. We are looking for Dylan and Jake but they're nowhere to be seen.

Tristan was tired but I suggested that we should check the art room too before we give up.

"Come on," I whined, looking back at my boyfriend. "Why are you walking behind me?"

"So I can look at that plump ass,"

I gasped when I heard him. "Shut up, you pervert! " I hit his biceps. "We're on campus!" I looked around to see if anyone heard him. Luckily, no one seems to be paying attention to us.

Tristan chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist before he planted a kiss on my cheek. "If those idiots aren't in the art room then I'm gonna give up and eat lunch. I'm starving, " He grumbled.

"I'm pretty sure they're in there," I stated, pecking his cheek back.


"What were you two doing? " I sighed as I saw Jake and Dylan coming out of the art room.

Tristan snickered beside me, making me look at him confused. "What? " I asked, frowning. Tristan moved his eyes, signaling them towards our best friends but I couldn't understand what he meant.

My boyfriend rolled his eyes when I stood there totally confused.

What is he saying?

"Your hair is messy," Tristan smirked at Jake who quickly adjusted his hair. "Why are you both so red?" He asked, causing Jake to glare at him.

What's up with these two?

I rolled my eyes and looked at Dylan who was blushing while looking down."Come on, let's get lunch. I'm starving," I grabbed his hand and turned to walk away. 

"By the way, we're planning on going on a little trip. Are you guys up for it? " Tristan asked as we walked.

"Trip? When?" I heard Jake question him.

"This holiday, " I turned to him. "Are you free then? "

"Yeah," He said before glancing at Dylan. "What about Dylan? "

"Oh he's free, " I said and Dylan looked up at me. "Aren't you? "

"Yeah, I'm free… But where are we going? " He frowned, tilting his head.

"We haven't decided yet," Tristan shrugged. "We're looking for a good place,"


"Do you guys have any suggestions? " Tristan asked as we all sat down at the table.

"Hmm… I don't know any good places…" Dylan said after a moment.

"What about a beach resort?" Jake asked, making all of us look up at him.

"Beach resort? That seems like a cool option… What do you guys think? " Tristan looked at me and Dylan.

"It's cool! I've always wanted to go to a beach resort," I beamed. "We can relax and have fun,"

"Hmm... B-But isn't that e-expensive? I don't think I can a-afford it… " Dylan trailed off, causing my smile to falter. I didn't know he was having financial problems. Maybe I can help—

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it," Jake announced suddenly with a small smile.

"No, I-I'm okay," Dylan refused immediately, shaking his head no.
"You guys can go—"

"We're not going anywhere without you," Jake cut him off. "Don't worry about the money. I can afford it for both of us, " He smiled at the boy, making him blush.

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