Bonus Chapter 3- Halloween special 👻🎃 (part 2)

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Third person's POV

Jesse took a final look at himself in the bathroom mirror before wrapping the robe tighter around him. He smiled to himself before stepping out into the room, expecting his husband to be tucked in bed already. It was a hectic night as putting Theo to sleep already took half a life out of them as the boy was full of energy from eating all the candies he got.

Jesse's eyebrows shot up in surprise when he saw the bed empty. "Babe?" He called, looking around the room to search for his husband only to find it empty. The dim golden lamps Tristan brought a few days ago to create an eerie atmosphere of Halloween really worked as Jesse felt himself bite his lips. If the power goes out, he's done. 

Jesse called again, voice low and hesitating as he was afraid to wake up the sleeping boy next door. He rolled his eyes and pouted when he got no answer.  "Tristan, come back before I whoop your ass." 

Wide eyes darted around the hallway as Jesse stepped out to look for his husband. He looked into the eerie darkness, never daring to step into there. Dark places and Jesse doesn't get along well. Especially on a Halloween night. He opened his mouth, ready to call out the other man's name again when something suddenly wrapped around his mouth, making him yelp. Jesse took in a sharp breath when he felt the coldness of sharp steel against his throat. A gasp flew out of his lips as he fell back against the hard body of his sudden attacker who pulled him close and had him trapped.

"Shh…don't wanna wake up your son, do we?" Low gruff voice whispered in his ear. Jesse didn't need to turn around to know who that voice belonged to but the way it sounded felt different. Tristan's usual gentle hold around his body was now nothing like that. It was rough, bruisingly tight, and dominating. Relief along with a thrilling chill came over his body.

The smaller man could do nothing but take in a shaky breath. His husband pressed the blade against his neck a little more closer, making him tip his head back. The coldness of it made a shiver lick down his spine. Excitement thrummed through his body and Jesse clenched his thighs closer when a funny feeling filled the pit of his stomach. His heart rate sped up as the other man spun him around. 

Jesse gulped and took in the person in front of him. Tristan was wearing a long flannel shirt, unbuttoned all the way down to reveal his hard and defined abs and strong chest. His gray sweatpants clung loosely around his hips, teasing a bit of his v-line. The man was in a ghost face mask, now pressing the tip of the knife right at the center of his neck. 

Something about the fact that he couldn't see his husband's face was thrilling. Jesse couldn't figure out what the man was thinking or what he was about to do and that made his heart rate spike up, adrenaline pumping through his body from excitement.

"Get in," He pushed the knife against the smaller man's throat, leading him into the room. 

Jesse bit his lips and silently obeyed, taking slow steps backwards until he was inside the room. 

"On the bed," 

The thrill of the situation made a shiver travel down Jesse's spine. Tristan, for the first time in his life, looked absolutely menacing and the new form of his husband was enough to make his cock twitch in need. He sat down on the bed with a small smirk, eager to please the man and obey his commands.

The taller man took in the view in front of him silently. He trailed the knife down and pressed it against the robe. "Off," 


"Shh…no talk," he pressed the sharp knife against the plump lips of the other man in warning, forcing him into silence. Jesse held the urge to dart his tongue out and lick the blade to feel the coldness of the metal on his tongue. He kept his gaze on the masked face of his husband as the tie of the robe was pulled loose.

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