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Jesse started crying again when he saw his mother and Lisa. I tried to comfort him but nothing worked. 

His family on the other hand was freaked out seeing him all bloody and bruised.

 My family was there too. 

My mom was doing her best to comfort Jesse's mother and Lisa while my dad and Ashton along with Jesse's dad were talking to the cops. 

Jesse was sobbing while he clutched my hands tight. He wouldn't let go of me no matter what happened. 

The doctors had to clean and examine his wounds but Jesse wasn't letting them touch him so they had to sedate him to get the job done. 

I told them to call me when he was about to wake up cause I didn't want him to freak out because of that. 

I heaved a sigh of relief when the doctors took him to clean up his wounds. I slumped down on one of the chairs a few feet away. Jake and Dylan sat beside me to make sure I was okay but Dylan was crying as he told me things comfort me. The scene was almost comical. 

I stood up again and raked a hand through my hair. "I need to breathe, " I mumbled out before walking away from them. 

I needed to clear my mind. 

I felt like I was going to explode. 

I sat down on one of the steps on the empty stairs and tugged on my hair as a groan slipped past my lips. 

Anger, frustration, sadness, fear…. Everything was killing me. 

Every time I closed my eyes, I could only see Jesse's crying face. 

He's screaming and shouting from the pain. 

All because I was careful enough. 

All because I couldn't protect him. 


I jumped when someone's hand touched my shoulder. 

Ashton stared at me with a surprised look. "Tristan… are you okay…? " He asked softly as he sat down next to me. 

I looked at him dumbfounded for a moment before I responded with a tight hug. I clutched his shirt tight and let it all out. 

Ashton rubbed my back to soothe me as I cried like a baby on his shoulder. " It's okay, little bro. I know you're probably thinking this is all your fault but it's not. You did everything to save him. You're the best boyfriend Jesse could ever have, " He ruffled my hair. 

Ashton always knows what I'm thinking and what I'm feeling. He knows me better than anyone else so he also knows how to comfort me in times like these. 

I missed him a lot but he was always there for me when I needed him the most. 

"Did you eat something?" Ashton asked me to which I shook my head no. 

"I'll go buy something, " He said and tried to get up but I stopped him immediately. 

"No,"  I sighed. "I have no appetite… "

"Tristan… I know you're really worried about Jesse but he'll be okay now. The doctors are taking good care of him, " 

"I'm not hungry, Ashton. Let's just stay like this for a few minutes before we go back, " I told him and Ashton sighed, finally giving up. 




"His chest and abdomen are injured very badly but luckily his bones aren't broken. There are bruises on his face too and it will take some time to heal. You can see him, he'll wake up in a few minutes but don't stress him out or make him cry. His body is already going through so much pain." The doctor told us before walking away towards another patient's room. 

"Don't worry, he'll be okay, " I looked back when my dad grabbed my shoulder. "We've taken care of the guys who kidnapped him. They won't be seeing outside for some years, "

He said, making me sigh. 

"You go in. He needs you by his side, " Jesse's father said with a small smile. 

It was evident in his face that he was heartbroken by what happened to his son. But that man was strong. He looked like he was holding back from killing Xavier and Philip. 



Jesse called my name as soon as he woke up. He made me get on the bed with him and thankfully the bed was big enough for both of us. He snuggled closer to me before falling asleep again. 

My baby must be exhausted from all this. 

Jesse's father came in to see him. He ruffled his son's hair and planted a kiss on his forehead before smiling at me. 

"I'm so happy my son found someone like you. It seems like you really love him too, " He told me. 

I looked down at my boyfriend. "How could I not love him? He's an angel, " I chuckled and tucked a few strands of hair behind his ear. 

Jesse's father nodded with a smile before he walked out of the room. 

I leaned down and kissed my angel's bruised cheeks as soon as his father was out. Jesse hummed and snuggled into my chest. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared at his bruised face. 

"Tristan…? " Jesse mumbled sleepily before he blinked his eyes open. 

I quickly wiped away my tears."Yes, baby. I'm here. Do you need anything? " 

He caressed my face with his weak hands. "Tristan… I-I love you…. I love you so much… and thank you…. You're my e-everything…I'll love you forever..." He mumbled and brought my face closer to his. 

Jesse planted a kiss on my lips, causing a sob to break past them. He continued to kiss me till he was sleepy. I hugged him close as he fell asleep in my arms again. 

Thank god he's okay… 

Because now… I can't even imagine a world without this little nerdy boy in my arms. 

Y'all honey is going to end soon. Maximum 8 chapters to go... Or maybe before than that.... 🤧 Shit, I'm getting emotional

I love you all ❤

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A meme to make you smile :)

If you didn't smile.......then you better smile now 😃🔪

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