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"So, let's start. I'll go first," I said as I sat facing him. Jesse nodded once again. I could see that he was nervous. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna give you any bizarre dares. We're gonna go with the fun ones, okay? '' I said, trying to reassure him. He gave me a small smile in return. 

"Okay, so truth or dare?" I asked him. He thought for a minute before answering. 

"Truth," He said quietly. I guess he's still afraid to take dares. 

"Hmm... Okay...Well... Tell me what was your worst mistake?" I smirked at him. I'm gonna go with the easy and fun ones because I don't want Jesse to be uncomfortable. Judging by how nervous he is, I'm pretty sure that he never played this game. 

Jesse thought for a moment before biting his lips and looking down. "Uh... I once went to a book store....and there was this book that I wanted but it was on the top shelf and I was too short to reach it. So I thought it would be a good idea to use a stool to take it but when I got on top of it, the stool began to sway and I lost balance…," He took a deep breath and scratched the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.

"As I was falling, I grabbed onto something instinctively and it was a lady's wig...She was so furious, she started yelling and crying. She was with some guy but he left her when he saw her wigless... She made a scene there and as a result, the owner banned me from there... " Jesse sighed. " That was my worst experience," He said. I tried to suppress my laugh but I failed miserably. I laughed, clutching my stomach. He rolled his eyes and punched my arm. "Stop it! " He whined as I tried to stop my laughing. 

"Okay...okay...Stop punching me. " I said, raising my hands defensively. "Now, it's your turn," I told him. 

"Okay...Truth or dare?" Jesse asked me.

"Truth," I shrugged. I saw Jesse smirk at me. 

"Hmm...Okay, what was the most embarrassing moment in your life?" He asked me. I groaned, he was trying to get back at me for laughing at him. 

"Umm...I...When I was eight...I.....farted in the. church... " I said, scratching the back of my neck. 

"W-What?" Jesse asked, trying to hide the wide grin on his face with his hand. 

"Yeah... I ate something that caused me acidity. I was having a stomach ache and then...it happened. Umm... Everyone heard...it was pretty loud. There was this girl that I had a crush on and she laughed at me, " I finished. Jesse was full on laughing right now and it was my turn to punch him. 

"Ahh… Ouch. That hurts! You muscle pig!" He whined, rubbing the place where I punched him. 

"Ha...Serves you right!" I said with a laugh. "Okay, my turn, truth or dare?" I asked him. 

"Umm.....dare," Jesse said after thinking for a moment. 


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