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"Tristan, the boat's ready, " Jake said as soon as he entered our hotel room. 

"Jake! " Dylan ran to him as he saw his boyfriend. "I was worried because you were gone for so long, " He said, hugging him close. 

"I'm sorry, baby. It was really hard to get the boat arranged in this weather, " Jake sighed and hugged back the boy. 

"Let's go, " I said as I put on my jacket. 

Jake nodded before he turned to Dylan. "Baby, I want you to stay here. Don't open the door unless—"

"No!" Dylan shouted, cutting off Jake in the middle. "I'm coming with you! Why are you leaving me here—"

"Dylan, can't you see? It's dangerous to be out there in the sea right now, 

"I can see that. That's why I'm asking you to take me with you. I can't sit here in peace knowing all of you are out there in danger, " Dylan shook his head. 

"Baby, please understand—"

"No, I'm coming with you two. Jesse is my best friend. I can't be calm when he's in danger, " The boy said stubbornly. 

Jake looked at me with a defeated expression. 

I nodded. "Let's take him with us, "  

Dylan's eyes lit up as he heard my words. He hurriedly ran to put on his jacket. 




"This is a yacht, " Dylan said when he saw the yacht parked where Jesse went missing. 

"Who lent you this? "  I frowned. 

"Lend me? Which stupid would do that? I bought this, " Jake shrugged before getting inside the yacht. "Here wear this," He gave us life jackets to wear. 

"Which one of you is going to drive? " Dylan asked as he put on the life jacket. 

"Me, " I answered instantly. "I have a license, "  

"Come on, let's go before the rain turns heavy," Jake said and I nodded. 




"Is it hard? " Dylan asked worriedly. 

"Yes, because the wind is strong," 

"We're close to the islands, " Jake said. "But we don't know which one he's in, " 

"Ahh!" Dylan cried when our boat was hit by a strong wave. 

Jake quickly grabbed the boy and hugged him close. "It's okay, baby, " He comforted his trembling boyfriend. 

"I see them, " I said as I saw the faint shadows of the islands a little far away. It wasn't clear because of the rain and dark clouds. 

"Which one? Which one are we going to search?" Dylan questioned. 

I could only gulp as I stared at the islands. " I don't know… " I breathed out. 

"Tristan, we need to go closer. Look if there's any boats or lights in sight, " Jake told me as he struggled to stand still. The wind and waves were getting strong each second. 

I nodded, steering the boat towards the islands. 

We can see it clearly now but there's no sign of where they are. 

No lights. No boat. Nothing. 

I cursed and tugged on my hair. My frustration evident in my actions. 

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