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Sunday was gone in a flash and all my energy went with it. I felt so drained the next day. 

And same as everybody, I too, hated the devil's day, which is Monday. I saw Jesse here and there. We gave each other small smiles as we passed each other in the hallways. But we haven't had any conversations since last weekend. 

I wanted to talk to him but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable because if I go up to him, everyone who's tagging along with Jake and I will come along with me. Then there will be questions about who he is and how I know him. 

I thought it would make Jesse feel uncomfortable. 





Currently, I'm in my chemistry class trying to figure out what the heck our professor is talking about. God! Why isn't the bell ringing? It feels like a decade has passed. 

I don't understand a thing that's written on the board. It looks like an alien language. How are we even supposed to read it? 

Some diagrams she drew on the board looked like something a witch would draw before a ritual. 

Maybe she is a witch. 

Maybe chemistry is something witches do. 

I watched her as I tried my best to keep my eyes open. She was saying some words that were hard to understand. 

I feel like she's cursing us or something. 

Maybe that's a spell. Who knows… 

After a minute, I released a sigh of relief when I saw her close her book. The lecture has ended. It was five minutes earlier than usual but I'm more than happy to leave this class anytime. 

"Okay everyone, that's all for today but before you all go, I have something to tell you," Our professor said before putting her book on the table. She folded her arms as she leaned back on the table. 

Oh no, this doesn't feel right. 

"We'll be having a chemistry exam next Monday and I... don't want anybody in my class to fail that. Did you hear me?" She said, giving us a murderous look. 

"And if you fail, you'll have to do five more assignments than the ones who've passed to make up for it. Keep that in mind," She smiled and took her book before walking out. 

I groaned. Shit! I already hated this shitty subject! I can't do five more assignments. I'll go crazy if that happens. I heard others cursing our professor as they walked out. 

It was a cruel punishment. Assignments took a lot of time and to do five of them is just a nightmare. 

I need Jesse's help. I can't pass the exam without him.

I pulled out my phone and quickly messaged him. I waited for his reply. I can maybe pass if he helps me. I don't think I'll be able to do it by myself. 

I snapped my head towards my phone when I heard the notifications. 

Oh, thank god. I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. 

Jesse agreed to tutor me every day till Sunday. He's really an angel. I'm a total dumbhead in chemistry so one day won't be enough for me to study that whole subject. I have to start from one. 

Even though I hate the subject, I think I'll be able to learn if it's Jesse teaching me. 



I went home after college ended. I decided to pick Jesse around at five in the evening. He would need some time to freshen up. 

I made sure I looked decent before I drove to his place. I looked around for Lisa when I reached there and to my luck, I saw a glimpse of her through their kitchen window. 

I might sound like a stalker or a creeper but I was just curious to see if she was there. You know, when you like someone your eyes would wander on their own to find them. 

I turned the car around when I saw Jesse coming out. 

After picking him up, I stopped at the grocery store on our way and bought some things to cook dinner. 

He is really kind. If anyone else was teaching me, they would have kicked me out of this planet. But Jesse explained everything patiently to me.

We decided to cook together and made some chicken, mashed potatoes, and fried vegetables. I dropped him off after we had dinner. It was nice spending time with him. He's really shy and adorable whenever I make fun of his blushing. Jesse is a really good guy. I regret not talking to him sooner.




We followed this routine for the next three days. I guess I could say I'm improving. I understand chemistry a bit now. I started paying attention in the chemistry class and I could understand something here and there now. 

The diagrams no longer look like a witch's drawings. I guess that's good. 

If this goes well, I could hopefully pass the chemistry test. 


I'm back! How are you all?

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