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I took Jesse to my room. I couldn't help but chuckle at his amused expression. He looked like a kid who's seeing the amusement park for the first time. My room is not that big. It's really smaller than the one I had before. When I was moving out, I told my dad that I wanted a simple house. And this... was the simple house he found.
I was going to look for an apartment but he bought me a house, saying it's better to stay in a house since he and mom could come here to hang out with me sometimes.
He's right. A big house is good to invite people to hang out with you but I never invite anyone to hang out with me. So I think there was really no need for this.
I saw Jesse looking out through the glass door in my room. He looked like a cat looking outside as he pressed his nose and palms on the glass. I might have chuckled a little loud because he suddenly jumped out of his daze and blushed.
"Your room is really nice," He said while scratching the back of his neck. I could tell he was embarrassed.
I kind of understand him. Even though these things aren't much of a big deal for me, it would be interesting for him. I don't mind him looking around. It's…. What do you say? Nice? It's nice to see him all excited.
"Thanks," I replied as I gave him a smile.
"Uhh...so, let's start?" Jesse asked, fiddling with his fingers.
"Yeah..." I nodded before I turned and walked towards my shelf. I took out my books and put them on the couch.
"Is the couch comfortable for you? Or do you want to move to the bed?" I turned to Jesse.
"C-Couch is fine, " He stuttered. He stutters often. I think he's still anxious when he's with me. Maybe one day I can make him talk to me comfortably.
I don't want him to feel uncomfortable and anxious while being around me.
We sat down on the couch. "I'll tell you the basics first, "
"Okay, "
Let me say, he's really good at this. He explained everything so simply. Was this subject really this simple? Why did the professors make it seem like it's some kind of nuclear theory?
He gave me notes that are easy to understand and tricks to remember some scientific names. He's really cool. And by noon, we had already finished four chapters.
We decided to stop there and take a break before having lunch. We didn't have to make it because Mia, my maid, had already made it.
Luch passed with Jesse and me talking about our family. I got him to talk about Lisa. He didn't say much but he told a few little things about her.
She likes video games and dancing. They both used to play games often before. He said they don't do it much anymore since he likes books more than video games now. Lisa used to go to dancing classes. Jesse told me she used to teach him to dance too.
I'm glad that I talked about my family unless I wouldn't have gotten him to talk about his. It's not much but I still learned something about Lisa.
Oh god, I must sound like a creep.
It's just that little things like this makes me happy. I hope I get to talk to her one day.
It was around five in the evening when we finally completed the last three chapters. It was good. He really is an expert at explaining things. After taking some rest and talking, he said he should go home so I decided to drop him off at his place.
He told me about himself on the way home. It was entertaining to listen to him. He talks really excited when he's telling me about something he likes.
He told me about all the cool books that he read and how his mother wouldn't let him buy anymore because he has no space to store them. He's not as boring as I thought he would be. He's good company and can be funny at times. I know, I shouldn't have been so judgy.
I tried to look around for Lisa when we got to his home. I just wanted to get a glimpse of her before going but unfortunately, I didn't see her. I had no luck just like in the morning.