Mini Firefighter

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Hi, I'm Alistair Jacob Thirlwall, I'm 12 years old. I'm the eldest child of Jade Amelia Thirlwall. I have 3 younger siblings: Felix Donovan Thirlwall who's 6, Hailey Jade Thirlwall who's 4 and my newborn brother named Isaac Harrison Thirlwall who's just turned 1 years old.

Alistair's POV: I wake up to the smell of smoke and see a firetruck pulling up to our house. We live in a apartment in London. I quickly hop out of bed and run to Mam's room.
"Mam! Wake up!" I shout loudly
"What's going on, Ali?" She questions groggily. She smells the smoke and tells me "Go wake your siblings up immediately! I'll meet you on the balcony" I nod and run to Felix's room and shout "Felix, wake up!" He wakes up quickly and "Go to the balcony, mam's there." He nods and runs out. I head into my little sister's room and see her cowering in the corner of the room.
"Come on, Hai Hai. Go to mama on the balcony" She nods terrified. I follow her out to the balcony.

"Hailey, come here." Mam says and lifts her over the railing and into a fireman's arms. She does the same thing to Felix and then me, before climbing down herself. Then I realise, Isaac is still inside. Nobody else seems to notice so, I run back into the blaze with mam screaming behind me. I avoid the flames and sprint up to my little brother's nursery and lift up a crying Isaac and run downstairs and out the front door nearly burning myself alive. I get outside and hand Isaac over to a kind fireman before losing consciousness and falling to the ground.

I wake up in a hospital, weak and with burns over my hands and arms. "Morning, Alistair. How are you feeling, champ?" A doctor asks whilst reading a chart.
"Honestly, weak but fine". I respond
"That is wonderful to hear" He says "I'll go get your mum in here." I nod and soon my mam walks into the room with a massive smile on her face. "Good morning my little fireman" She exclaims and bends down next to the bed. "You saved your little brother's life, monkey"
"I did what I had to" I say and she gives my a kiss on my forehead. I giggle.

The next day at his school:
A assembly is called this morning and the headmaster has a massive smile upon her face. We all take our seats and listen in.
"Good morning everyone, today I'm gonna be telling you about something that has happened recently." She booms across the room. "3 days ago, there was a fire down at Newbury Road. It was a massive house that sadly burnt down the house. But somebody among you is today a hero.... Can I ask for Alistair Thirlwall to join me up here please?" I get up and head to the front of the hall.
"This young man right here, he went back into the flames, risking his own life to save another. He made his way back into the house and saved his 18 month old younger brother Isaac. If it wasn't for him, his younger brother wouldn't still be here with us." The headmaster says and I smile widely. "So, today we will be joined by our very own prime minister of England, Mr. Boris Johnson!" We all see the prime minister walk in, he shakes my hand and then hands me 100,000 pounds. "This money, is yours and we will be building your new house." The Prime Minister tells me and I burst into tears. Being a hero was the best thing ever!

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