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Hi, I'm Romeo Matthew Gray. I'm 16 years old and I'm the eldest child of Andre and Leigh-Anne Gray. I have 3 younger sisters named Maddison who's 14, Saoirse who's 7 and Tilly whos 4.

Romeo's POV: To put it short, I'm the only child that's been forgotten by both my parents. Ever since Saoirse was born, I was the black sheep of the family. Rarely getting any sort of attention from 8½ to now. My younger sisters all have the spotlight and my god, are they such bloody brats!
"Daddy!" I hear Saoirse yell from the kitchen impatiently. "I want a bedtime story! And I want it now!" Some kids are bratty but my siblings especially Saoirse and Tilly are like 10x. Maddison has always just been quiet.

"I'm coming, my darling" Dad tells her, picking her up and carrying her to her room. And then Tilly begins to whine profusely so, I walk downstairs and past her into the living room where I find Maddie watching TV. The screaming doesn't stop from Tilly until Mum eventually comes over and comforts her. I can understand Tilly's feelings because she's way more close to dad than mum. I sigh which makes Maddie chuckle.
"Sometimes I wish mum and dad didn't have anymore kids" She tells me, chuckling slightly. I nod my head in agreement.

Just then I hear the whining at the door and I turn my head to see Tilly standing there having a full on meltdown!
"What do you want, Tilly?" I ask her, annoyed. "Go whine somewhere else." This infuriates the youngest sibling so, she comes over and full on bites me in the leg. I pull my leg back in pain and shove her away. And only then, Mum walks in to me shoving Tilly over.
"Romeo, why did you do that to your baby sister?" Mum asks me, sternly.
"She bloody well bit me." I tell her but she doesn't seem to believe me one bit.
"She's only 4 years old. Don't be violent!" She tells me.

Mum bends down and comforts Tilly asking her gently "You alright, gorgeous?". I honestly am pissed off that mum don't believe me.
"He 'urt me, mama." Tilly sobs so pathetically but it fools mum who yells aggressively "Romeo Matthew Gray, get to your room immediately!" I groan and stomp up to my bedroom. The way I get treated is so bullshit!

Little Mix as your moms  (With Some Ships)Where stories live. Discover now