Trouble Toddler (Requested)

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Hi, I'm Lily Louise Amelia Thirlwall-Edwards, the 3 year old daughter of Perrie Louise Edwards-Thirlwall and Jade Amelia Thirlwall-Edwards.

Perrie's POV: My daughter is a bit of a troublemaker sometimes but I can't blame her, both of her mams are in the spotlight and that can bring pressure on a child. However, as we watch her grow up, her behaviour has been affected a bit by the fame as the world knows basically everything about me and my wife's daughter from the day she was born to her first words.

"Mama, do wu and mumma 'ave to go?" She appears next to me, cocking her head to the side. Her big, beady and blue eyes stare up at me, full of sadness that me and Jade have to go to America for 2 months, commencing the longest that we've been away from our princess since her birth.
"I do have to go, baby girl. I know it's not your favourite thing in the world but we'll be home soon enough." I reply, bending down to her height. She pouts at me and gives me a hug.
"I gon' weally mwiss wu and mumma..." She tells me, getting a little emotional.
"Awe, princess. Me and mumma are gonna miss you more than anything in this world, nana'll let you facetime us sometimes when we aren't busy and we can talk about anything." I tell her, bringing a little smile to her face.

At the airport, Lily's been so clingy to me and Jade but due to circumstances, neither of us really mind it right now. The biggest issue is when we get to the gate.
"Alright, angel. I promise you that me and mama will be home as soon as we can and you know that we never break promises." Jade promises to our daughter, giving her a cuddle. It honestly adorable how much Jade loves Lily, she'd do anything for her.
"Take this 'icture that, nana 'elped me draw." Lily replies, handing her a handdrawn picture. Jade grins at her, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
"I'll protect it with my life, darling." Jade tells her, carefully putting the picture in her bag.

I pick up my daughter and hold her close, Jade joins the hug and we spend a few minutes just enjoying each other's embrace until the inevitable happens, the loudspeaker for our flight is announced. I put my daughter down and her smile fades with her pout returning to her lips.
"Sorry, but we have to go now, princess." I tell her, pouting. She tries to convince us otherwise but we have to go...

Debbie's POV: It's been about 2 weeks since Perrie and Jade left for their really important trip to America snd so far, Lily has been a absolute angel. But this morning, that all changed.
"Morning, sweetie." I greet her, rubbing her arm softly. She begins to stir and then wakes up. "Do you want some breakfast, sweetie?" She just pouts without giving me any kind of answer. I go to rub her cheek but she just pushes my hand away, looking emotionless.

"You okay, sweet pea?" I ask her but I still get absolute no answer. I sympathise with her, she's obviously missing her two mams more than anything and so she's changed.
"Do you miss mama and mumma, sweet pea?" I ask her, softly and she nods, looking up at me with teary eyes. "I can't imagine how you must feel, with them gone for 2 months a-" She cuts me off by getting out of bed and heading to her playbox.
"Don't 'mind me of 'ow 'ong it is 'il I see mama an' mumma again, nana." She demands in a stern but adorable tone, sitting on her carpet and playing with her toys.
"Sorry, pet. D'ya want any breakfast at all?" I inquire but she shakes her head.

"No eat 'il mama an' mumma 'ome." She tells me, looking at me.
"Pet, you're being a bit irritating now. I know you miss mama and mumma... But you have to eat something." I tell her in a slightly stern tone.
"No, 'eave me alone." She tells me, not daring to look at me. Okay, I'm getting a little annoyed at her, let's hope this attitude dissapears in a few hours.

A few hours later: The attitude is still here and it's gotten worse with her throwing several temper tantrums, but despite this, I am letting her facetime Perrie and Jade.
"Pet, c'mere. Mama and mumma are calling." I invite her over, helping her on the sofa. I answer and her eyes just light up as they appear on the television screen.
"Hey, baby girl." Perrie greets her daughter, Lily just gets off the couch and runs up to the tv.
"Mama, mumma!" She exclaims, full of happiness and joy from seeing them.
"Hey, darling." Jade appears on the screen, grinning.
"How has she been, mam?" My daughter asks me, inquisitively. I lwan forward before responding honestly "She has been good for the most part but we've had a bit of a slip up today."

"That's not the best, but at least she hasn't smashed the house into pieces yet, Debbie." Jade replies, making us all laugh.
"With how hyper she is, I'm genuinely surprised she hasn't." I tell them, smiling.
"Mama, mumma! 'Ow long til home?" Lily asks, playing with her fingers and pouting.
"Not for a while, princess. It's only been 2 weeks..." Perrie replies to her daughter making her pout even more. "Awe no, princess don't get upset."
"Baby girl, look at mumma quickly." Jade tells Lily. "Me and mama will be home soon enough, as I said at the airport, we don't break promises."

Despite all of this, Lily begins to cry hysterically and when I tried to comfort her, she just pushes me away and runs into the corner.
"Pet, c'mere. I know you're upset but they really cannot do anything about it." I try to comfort her but she just begins wailing.

"Where is she, mam?" My daughter asks, pulling a concerned face.
"She's crying in the corner, darling, come to nana." I respond before switching my attention to the little one. "How do you two normally comfort her when she's like this?"
"Debs, head to the cabinet and there should be a album titled 'Lily's Comfort Songs'. Put that on and just let her know that she's safe and normally, she'll calm down." Jade tells me, pointing to a cabinet. I do just that but she doesn't calm down one bit.

"Lily Louise Amelia Thirlwall-Edwards! Mama needs you to calm down, right now! I know it's hard without me or mumma there but you have to deal with it!" Perrie snaps, a bit too aggressively that Lily bolts out of the room.
"Perrie, that was quite patronizing and now she's probably worse." I scold my daughter for her tone and she looks away in embarrassment.

"I feel horrible now, tell her that I'm sorry for snapping at her as we gotta go now." She admits before they sign off. I head upstairs and successfully calm Lily down and just tell her that everything is gonna be ok.

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