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unknown added you! accept  or decline?

unknown hey

haechan that was a lame introduction


"Hyuck, are you coming?" Mark spoke, peeping his head through the bedroom door. Haechan quickly turned off his phone, looking up, giving a smile.

"Mhm! I just had to check my phone, real quick. I ordered a new pair of ear buds." the latter replied, standing up, shoving his phone in his front pocket.


unknown hey, let's play truth or dare

haechan okay, truth or dare

unknown truth

haechan what are your hobbies

unknown cross country, computer games, swim, hbu?

haechan um, dance

unknown ooh, I'd love to dance with you


Haechan could feel himself shaking slightly, his hands could barely hold the phone correctly.

"M-Maybe he's being genuine, maybe he likes dancing."


haechan what kind of dance do you like?

unknown idk any, but i'd definitely slow dance with you, cutie

haechan it's your turn

unknown truth or dare


Haechan thought for a moment, deciding to play it safe first and choosing truth.


haechan truth

unknown is typing...

unknown have you ever touched yourself


Haechan flinched slightly, staring at the conversation, he sighed before replying no.

He placed his phone in his bag and looked up at the older who was busy looking at different types of juice.

"Mark hyung," Haechan spoke. The older hummed, looking over.

"Why does the male species lack the touching of grass?" he asked. Mark shrugged.

"Maybe it's the vegemite."


unknown dang, then truth or dare ig


Haechan knew it was his turn in the game, but he decided that it was just childish to call him out for it, he let the boy ask another question.


haechan dare

unknown send me a video of yourself baby


"Hyuckie, who are you texting?"

"No one, Markie."

"Okay, let's go buy some watermelon."

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