Renjun Centric

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dream dorm (jeno, jaemin, jisung, sungchan, and shotaro)

"Sungchan," the small Chinese spoke as he waddled over to the couch where the younger was playing games on his phone.

Without looking up, Sungchan replied with a "yeah?" Renjun pouted. "Can I take a nap with you? The others all have schedules." he asked.

Sungchan nodded, bringing his phone into one hand and using his other to signal the boy over.

Renjun giggled softly, climbing into the younger's lap. He straddled the boy, both legs on either side of his torso. Renjun yawned slightly before resting his head between Sungchan's neck.

The younger didnt utter a word and just let the boy sleep while he played SMTown Superstar on his phone.

After failing miserably at trying to beat the hard level of Saturday Drip, he placed his phone down. Sungchan then began to rhythmically pat Renjun's bum, keeping him quiet through his slumber. He closed his eyes and rested his head onto Renjun's shoulder.


"Guess who's ho-"

"Hyung, quiet." Sungchan whispered at the blue haired who had just waltz into the dorm. The boy still had his eyes closed while patting the sleeping older's bum.

Jeno let out a coo as he took off his shoes and walked towards the couch where the two were resting.

"How long has he been like that?" Jeno asked, moving Renjun's bangs from his face. Sungchan's eyes fluttered open as he looked at the older.

"An hour ish? My legs fell asleep." Sungchan replied. Jeno nodded before bending down.

"Lemme take him then." he said. Sungchan shook his head. "What if he wakes up?"

Jeno shook his head, grabbing Renjun's waist from Sungchan carefully.

"Ch-Channie," the Chinese mumbled in his sleep as he grabbed a hold of Sungchan. The younger quietly shushed the boy. "Hey, Jeno's home now, go nap with him."

Renjun pouted as he reluctantly let go of the younger, turning his body to quickly wrap himself around Jeno's body, having him hold him like a baby.

"Let's go to my room?" he asked, but Renjun instantly fell back asleep once his head touched Jeno's shoulder.


Jeno lied in bed with his computer in his lap, Renjun cradled up beside him with his head rested on his chest.

"Mmh," Renjun hummed, nuzzling his nose against Jeno's neck.

The younger grinned, turning his head slightly to pepper a kiss into his hair.

"Junnie? You up?" he whispered. Renjun smiled slowly, muttering a quiet "no."

Jeno snickered, pressing another kiss into the boy's hair. "I think you are." he replied, tickling his side, earning a squeal from the smaller.

"Ah! Jeno!" Renjun exclaimed sitting up. The younger began to laugh, wrapping his arms around the smaller.

"You've been asleep for 2 hours already, why don't you go play with the others?" Jeno asked. Renjun hummed. "Who's home?"

Jeno pecked his cheek. "Nana's in the living room with Sungchan right now."



Jaemin looked up at the disheveled human in front of him. "Morning Lovely, how was your nap?" he asked. Renjun gently rubbed his eyes.

"Bad." he responded. Sungchan raised a brow. "You seemed very comfy on my lap to me." he replied.

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