Xiaodery Pt. 4

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If you write a wish upon a paper and you place it into a glass bottle,

and it's washed away by the ocean, then someday..

there's a chance that it may just come true.

Is what Xiaojun was told many many years ago before his father had been killed.

The ex king stood silently, his servant's cloak, hanging from his shoulders.

His servant,

his brother,

his twin.

"H-Hendery ah," he spoke towards the waves, his petite hands grasping onto the bottle.


"Xiaojunnie, are you okay?"


The 5 year old smiled at his older twin, giving out a hand for the prince.

"Come on, I'll help you up, Xiaojun ah."

"King Xiaojun? Dinner's served-"

The young king lied quietly on his desk, tiredness taking over him.

Hendery hummed softly, taking a blanket to keep his twin warm.

"I'll have the maids bring you dinner later."

"Servant, does it crown look nice on me?" Xiaojun asked, looking at himself in the mirror. Hendery nodded.

"You look beautiful, my king."

Xiaojun blinked away his tears.

Hendery was always there for him.

He cleaned his wounds.

He kept him warm.

He kept him safe.

He took his life for him.

"I-I'm sorry, Hendery ah."

The ex king looked at the bottle in his hands.

"Please, forgive me, Hendery ah."

and with that, he threw the bottle, letting it ride across the waves.

"If the day comes that we are reborn once again, it'd be nice to play with you, so I'll wait for you til then."

a/n: sorry this part took so long but this is the end of the servant of evil xiaodery series :)

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