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"But a cat would be very cute, hyung."

"We don't have the time to take care of a kitten, bub."

Taeyong pouted at the older's statement.

"But Johnny, I want a cat."

Johnny chuckled slightly, bring the smaller into his arms.

"How about a smaller pet? Something easy to take care of." he asked. Taeyong thought for a moment.


"What the fuck." Taeyong pouted once more.

"But I watched videos of people with pet centipedes. I thought it was cool."

The younger gently nuzzled himself into Johnny's arms, taking in his warmth.

Johnny sighed, not wanting the younger to continue pouting. He quickly lifted the boy onto his lap and cupped his cheeks.

"How about a fish?"

"A fish?"

"We can purchase a pet fish, Yongie."


Johnny smiled when the smaller's eyes lit up, resembling tapioca balls. He slowly leaned in, pecking the boy's cheek; Taeyong scrunching his nose at the action.

"There's no schedule today, what about today?"

"I want a pretty fishy, hyung." Taeyong replied. Johnny nodded.

"What will you name it?"

Taeyong thought for a moment, playing with Johnny's fingers.

"Baby." he replied softly. Johnny cooed.

"But that's what I call you, Yongie." Taeyong glared at the older, shaking his head.

"I'm not a baby, though." Johnny laughed softly.

Taeyong frowned, shaking his head once more. He wrapped his arms around the older's neck, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Johnny hyung."

Johnny gulped, his hands find their way to the younger's waist.


"Can we go buy a fishy now?"

Johnny pecked the boy's head before nodding.

"Sure, let's go buy a fancy one." he responded, earning a cheer from the smaller.

"The red one is really pretty, Yongie." Johnny spoke, gesturing at the bright red beta fish. Taeyong nodded, but his eyes were focusing on a different fish.

"But this one is two different colors!" he exclaimed, pointing at a fish with a navy blue and gold color to it. Johnny nodded, picking up the cup that held the fish.

"Do you want this one?" he asked the younger, Taeyong looked up with his tapioca eyes and nodded.

"I want to name it fishy." he responded, holding Johnny's hand.

Johnny cooed slightly before taking the boy to the cash register.

"We'll take this one sir." he spoke to the cashier, an excited Tae, jumping behind him.

"Fishy! Fishy! Fishy!" Taeyong chanted as the two got back into the dorms.

Johnny chuckled softly, as he placed the fish, along with the tank and supplies onto the counter.

"Yongie, bub, let's go set up Fishy's tank, okay?" he told the younger, who immediately agreed.

Before getting a look at the fish who swam inside the cup, Taeyong placed himself onto Johnny's lap, straddling him.

Johnny looked down at the younger and raised a brow.

"Thank you for buying a fish with me today, Johnnyyy," he giggled, pecking his cheek.

"I wubbbbbbbb youuuuuu!!!" Taeyong giggled, hugging the taller. Johnny smiled, petting his hair.

"You're welcome, Yongie, let's go set up the tank now, okay?"

"Mhm hm!"




i'm pleased to announce that jung sungchan has officially bias wrecked me so hard

and that says a lot since i don't even have an exact bias in nct (ot23 stan)


what can i say? something in me awakened and now i just can't stop thinking about him 🖐👁👄👁🖐

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what can i say? something in me awakened and now i just can't stop thinking about him 🖐👁👄👁🖐

please look at his teeth they're so pretty wtf is wrong with me


i cannot be the only person who gets mildly surprised/screeches whenever they see jisung's arms out in the blue because i swear this boy literally lives in his long sleeves

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i cannot be the only person who gets mildly surprised/screeches whenever they see jisung's arms out in the blue because i swear this boy literally lives in his long sleeves


(btw this was the pic i was talking abt earlier on my message board)

(btw this was the pic i was talking abt earlier on my message board)               ONE MORE THING

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YUTA'S NAILS 😭😭 we love an eboy 😔🤟🤟

okay that was it i promise

... hehe


and thank you for reading 🤍

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