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"Hey kid, could you help me out a bit?"

Jisung looked up from his cellphone, finding a slightly shorter male staring back at him.

"Do you need something?" he asked. The male nodded, bringing up a box of cigarettes.

"My hands are full so I can't light this. Could you do it?" he asked, handing Jisung the lighter. Jisung raised a brow, looking at the shorter.

"Light my cigarette."

Jisung hesitated, switching up the lighter, a spark following with fire. He quickly lit the cigarette, handing the lighter back the the male.

The male looked at Jisung thoroughly before letting out a smirk.

"Wow, you actually listened, that's cute." he spoke, opening his bag, fishing out a lip balm.

"Here, let's meet up tomorrow, okay?" Renjun said, handing it to the younger.

Jisung examined the balm.

strawberry flavor.



"Jisung ah, it's almost 8 pm, where are you going?" Mrs. Park spoke, looking as her son was putting on his shoes. Jisung glanced at his mom, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Jeno hyung and I are going to watch a drive in movie, is that okay?" Jisung lied, he didn't tell her about the boy he met yesterday at the park.

Mrs. Park nodded, turning back to the television.

"Bring a jacket, it's supposed to be chilly tonight."

"Okay, umma!"


"Hey! Over here!" Renjun exclaimed, seeing the teenaged boy run towards him.

Jisung smiled brightly at the older who gave him a hug, almost frightening the younger from the contact.

"We never introduced ourselves, we're still strangers." Jisung spoke as the smaller released himself from the hug. Renjun looked at him with a grin.

"Okay, then you go first." he responded, standing tentatively in front of the younger. Jisung raised a brow, but nonetheless began to introduce himself.

"I'm Park Jisung and I'm 19 years old." he spoke. Renjun just chuckled, applauding the younger as he grinned cheekily.

"Okay, Park Jisung," he replied with a hum, "I'm Huang Renjun and I'm a bad influence." he ended with a wink as he grabbed the younger's arm.

"Let's go to my car, I'll take you to a cool place!" Renjun exclaimed, taking Jisung's hand intertwining their fingers. Jisung blushed slightly, letting the older lead him.




"I guess we can watch the stars from here instead?" the older spoke as they both stood next to his car window, seeing that he had mistakenly locked his keys in his car.

Jisung chuckled softly, taking off his sweatshirt to place around the smaller's shoulders.

"It's getting cold," Jisung said softly, rubbing Renjun's arms. The smaller looked up, letting out a cheeky grin as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, the same pack from yesterday.

He pulled out a stick, grabbing his lighter to light it. Jisung watched tentatively, curious.

"Do you want to try it?" Renjun asked, lifting the stick to the younger, Jisung leaned in slowly, about to wrap his lips around the stick, only to have it be pulled away.

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