Xiaodery Pt. 3

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"Sir Hendery." a guard spoke. The servant looked back from the window.

"They're rebelling. Rebelling against our precious king. I'm disappointed in our villagers." Hendery replied, looking at the chaos that had been broken out in the streets.

"But that's not the only thing that's happening, Sir." 

Hendery faced the guard. "What's happening?"

The guard took a deep breath.

"The Neos are planning to kidnap the king and put him to the guillotine."

Hendery's eyes widened.

"I have to go."

"Your higness." Hendery called, barging into Xiaojun's room. The older looked up.

"Is it tea time?"

The servant shook his head as he grabbed his twin's arm, dragging him to his closet.

He dressed his twin in a black cloak, took away his jewelry, ruffling his hair to look messy.

"What are you doing?" Xiaojun asked, watching as his servant dressed himself in his clothes.

Hendery looked at his twin.

"I want you to leave this kingdom and don't turn back. Keep running. Don't get caught. Just leave." he replied, his hands cupping Xiaojun's cheeks. The smaller looked at him with fear in his eyes.

"W-What's happening?"

"They're coming for you. Take this and leave now." Hendery said, giving his twin a glass bottle.

Xiaojun looked at the bottle before bringing his gaze back up to the taller.

"What if they-"

"They won't know, dear. We are twins. Now, please," Hendery said, covering the smaller's head with the cloak, "Don't turn back and just leave." Xiaojun nodded before running out of the palace.

Hendery watched his twin run before hearing a knock on the door. His smile grew.

"It's time."

"King Xiaojun, please come this way." a tall man said, guiding him out of the room. Hendery nodded following.

"Is it tea time? I haven't had earl grey in a while." He acted, mimicking his brother's voice. The man just nodded.

"This may be your last earl grey," he muttered.

Hendery was led to a room filled with thousands of their citizens. Chanting curses towards him. The servant cracked a smile as he followed the man towards the guillotine.

"Get in, it's time to face your sins, your highness." he said, throwing the king into the guillotine, locking his head and wrists.

The crowd cheered louder, happy to see their evil king caught.

Hendery kept his smile on, thinking about his twin who's on the run. Far away. And most importantly safe from the citizens.

He deserves to live. My Xiaojun, he deserves to be alive.

The man held onto the rope, which held up the knife.

"Last words, your highness?" he hissed. Hendery made eye contact with the crowd.

Not far, more towards the back of the crowd, he spotted a familiar figure, covered in a black cloak.

Hendery smiled before speaking his last words.

"Oh, it's tea time!"


a/n xiaodery oneshot epilogue coming soon

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