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Ever since he moved out of his family's wealthy residence, Elias spent long periods of time reading and researching the many ways on how to return home. He often neglected his health and would stay up for countless nights, miss eating breakfast and dinner, and wouldn't go outside of his house just to creature theories on why he arrived to Ancient Greece.

With Lapetus now living with him, that all changed. Although the man was always cautious not to anger the boy and was quick to please him, he was somewhat strict when it came to Elias' unhealthy lifestyle.

He was clumsy and timid at first when he had control of the kitchen, but now Lapetus fully made use of it with the things they had while watching over Elias intently. The male was shocked at first when he saw just how quick Lapetus picked up on culinary skills even if they didn't have many ingredients to work with. But now, Elias often laid back with ease as the man happily served him.

If it was just this, Elias wouldn't have to worry about anything else until he saw just how much Lapetus worked around the house.

He took care of the morning chores extremely early while Elias was still asleep and spent countless hours in the small garden. He also made sure to ask for permission every time he wanted to go to town and returned as quick as he could with handfuls of gifts from the friendly townspeople.

They warmed up to the man without much difficulty seeing as how he was well behaved and polite. It made the women fawn over him several times and they usually tried getting closer to the newcomer with gifts, but Lapetus would flat-out refuse or take them with small murmurs of thanks all with the intentions of going back home to give them to Elias instead.

Not only did he regularly visit the town, Elias heard some whispers about Lapetus going down to the docks and catching fish just for the boy since Elias once told him his fondness for sea food. 

And during the nights when Elias spent countless hours reading through every scroll about the gods and magic, having to create new ideas on how to get home, he's always reminded that the brunet was there with him. He didn't notice at first until Lapetus gently placed his hands on Elias' back, messaging and relieving the tense muscles. Or when the man would often place down a plate full of snacks for Elias, and sometimes he would softly mutter out not to stay up too long.

To Elias' conclusion, he was living an extremely beneficial life with Lapetus at his side. The man was already obedient and gentle when he took care of the boy, but he didn't think he'd live so comfortably like this.

He made a good decision on keeping Lapetus around.

But even though the brunet seemed to be perfect and meticulous when it came to comforting Elias, there were also flaws the boy couldn't ignore.

Lapetus would always worry.

He was anxious not just about everything having to be perfect, but he was too focused on keeping Elias within his sights that it sometimes bugged the dark haired boy. Even when he went out to the town and down the docks, he'd never spend more than a few hours outside and always rushed home just to take care of Elias' needs even if the male didn't need him hovering by.

It was like he'd worry if Elias would start to think he wasn't worth keeping.

He ignored it for some time and thought the man's paranoia would go away eventually until the end of the month arrived and a letter was sent to the boy for his family.

"You're leaving?" The question was quiet and filled with concern. There was that familiar look of anxiety in the man's hazel eyes.

Elias hummed lightly as he pulled on his cloak. "I am. My brother has sent a carriage for me and it'll arrive soon with the guards."

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