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   Elias should've known it was too good to be true when Ares let him down for his own safety.

Safety his ass. He's stuck with chains dragging him down in this cavern-like jail. Not to mention, there's a giant standing over him, all full of smiles which makes Elias want to punch him.

This guy reminds him of Zeus... or Hades. Maybe Poseidon? Who knows, he can't really tell since it was a bit dark in here.

"You're a little smaller than I remember."

"Excuse me?"

The Titan bent down a little, facing him properly this way with that shit-eating grin of his. "I don't suppose you remember, huh? Well, that's a given since your arrival here was a little difficult to pass through."

"What are you talking about?"

"What else would I be talking about? I'm the one who brought you here. Elias, right? It's been a while, but it's good to see you still alive and well... for the most part." The titan points at himself. "My name's Cronus. We've already met once and you hated me back then, it's also nice to see you still hate me!"

"You what?"

The Titan, Cronus, only shrugs. "Sorry, I can't help you out all that much. All I can say is that bringing you here distorted your mind so much that you ended up missing some memories. Like I said, this isn't our first time meeting. And you had already met one of the gods before all this happened, though he was rather irked about what happened to you. I bet you don't even remember him as well."

Elias went quiet. His nerves grew, but he couldn't find anything to say. What could he say?

What Cronus said wasn't wrong. He hardly remembered coming into this world. The earliest memory he can recall is meeting his fake parents and Alec, but other than that, he couldn't remember just how he ended up in this place.

Was he actually telling the truth though? Did he actually meet Cronus way before all of this happened?

He wasn't given much time to comprehend anything else when Cronus patted his head with his gigantic hand.

"There, there. Just sit tight, alright? The others and I have things to do, some Olympians to destroy. But don't worry! You should be safe... I would think."

"Wait, wait!" Elias reaches out despite the chains holding him back. "W-Why are you doing this? How did you even escape, and why did you choose me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm doing this to get revenge against my children who imprisoned me! Now, hush and take a nap or something. As soon as we win this war, I'll take you back home, okay?"

Elias sneers, "Have you lost your mind? If I was your child, I would've sent you to Tartarus, too! You literally ate them-"

"Eh, the past is in the past. Don't dwell on it so much." Cronus sighs, and he seemed to be on the verge of turning away and leaving him by himself when he suddenly decided against it and sat down in front of Elias.

Even though he was sitting, there still a massive size difference between him and a mortal. Even Elias had to force himself not to flinch, thinking just how easy it would be for Cronus to crush him. But it was hard imagining it so when he looks so much like his sons.

Though he does notice just how... cheery and light-spirited this titan was compared to Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Hades was always gloomy and hard to properly interact with at times, Poseidon was someone everyone was wary of due to his temper, and Zeus... well, the guy's quiet. A little too quiet for anyone's liking.

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