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   "You look amazing, my dear."

Elias tilted his head around to look back at his mother. "Thank you."

Lady Aikaterine hurriedly clapped her hands at Lapetus, delighted by his presence as well. "You look very handsome, too! It's good you're going with Elias. I was a little worried about him going alone!"

Lapetus replied in a small nod while doing some final touchups to Elias' attire for the party.

Elias and Lapetus had arrived at Corinth not too long ago. They stayed at his family's estate for a day before the big night. Elias wasn't looking forward to it as much since he was only fulfilling his promise to Hesiod, but his mother was beaming with happiness when she heard of Elias receiving an invitation.

Of course, their family received an invitation from time to time due to their noble statuses, but her sons weren't the type to go. Even now, Alec was still stubborn in not attending until his little brother decided to go with Lapetus.

Alec would've waited for Elias, but he went earlier due to his father's nagging. There was an old acquaintance Alec had to meet with, so he unfortunately left without Elias or his parents.

Right now, Elias looked at himself through the mirror, occasionally posing to check himself. He seemed perfectly fine, even better than he usually looked since Lapetus was strict on dressing him. He was wearing more accessories than he usually liked, but Elias still kept the bracelet Chloris had gifted him.

"Here, put these on as well!" Lady Aikaterine held out a pair of earrings, handing Lapetus and Elias one. "I was going to give it to your brother, but he left so early. It's good Lapetus is here though! You two can match instead—not that your attires are already matching."

Elias glanced back at Lapetus, just now realizing how similar their patterns were despite the different colors. And with Lapetus gently putting the earring on his left ear, they matched even more.

Lady Aikaterine beamed. "It looks good, children! Alright, let's go over a few more things-"

"I'm afraid we'll have to leave now, Mother." Elias was quick to grab her arm, leading her out of the estate without warning. "We'll be late."

"Oh, I didn't notice the time. Lapetus, you'll sit by us in the carriage."

The brunet seemed hesitant. "Yes..."

"It's alright, we don't mind," she laughed it off. "You and Elias have traveled together for some time now. We also see you as family, there's no need for you to take a separate carriage."

Lapetus didn't expect for Lady Aikaterine to like him this much, but the woman was always cheery when he came around. Not to mention, she didn't hesitate to give them matching accessories with the excuse of Alec not wearing them. In the end, Lapetus gave her a gratuitous smile and helped the two of them up the carriage where Lord Denes waited.

"What took you so long?" The man grunted. "The time-"

"No one would mind if we're a little late. Besides, Alec is already there! They can talk with our son for the meantime."

Seeing her so nonchalant, Lord Denes dropped the topic. He turned to Elias and questioned, "I wasn't able to ask you last night since you went to bed so early, but how are you doing in Mykonos so far? It hasn't been that long since we last saw each other."

"I'm doing fine. I just purchased a new house there."

"Really?" His mother was surprised. "All of a sudden?"

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