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   Elias happily munched on a few snacks that was brought to him by Hades' servants.

Technically, he wasn't really supposed to eat any food that came from the underworld unless he wanted to stay down there for the rest of his mortal life, but Hades made sure to get normal food for Elias to consume.

Now, he and Hades dined together with a cheery atmosphere. Because the king was in such a good mood, he personally took the time out of his day to dress Elias up lavishly and personally put on some accessories that was hidden away only for him to wear.

Hades didn't really care much for jewelry since there was no one in his realm who would actually dare to take them, and it's not like he could gift them either. No god or mortal would accept gifts from him, so he felt pleased dressing Elias up like a doll. The male didn't mind as well as long as he kept eating good food, so he allowed himself to be draped in pure silk and even wore a headband made out of silver leaves.

"I'm excited. Is it weird?" Hades nervously asked. "There's a lot of seeds I'll have to get now."

"It's okay, it's not weird to be excited about gardening... well, you don't like the type of person to plant flowers, so I guess it's sort of strange. I mean, you didn't even know plants needed actual sunlight."

"I'm a god, not a gardener." Hades flushed in embarrassment.

"Are you sure it's okay to eat with me?" Elias chewed on a fig. "You said yourself that you're busy."

"I'm always busy. I hardly have enough time to do any of the things that I like, but I managed to complete everything I needed to just have a day all to myself."

"It's tough being a god," Elias stated. Hades sighed in reply. "Your Majesty, when will I meet with Her Ladyship?"

"Soon enough. Hecate doesn't like anyone disturbing her, so it'll take some time for me to request an audience. You don't have to worry about anything though, I'll make sure you meet her."

Elias beamed and the weight in his chest suddenly lifted. "Yes, thank you."

Hades' lips curled up and a softness overcame his features. "You should eat more. If there's something specific you want, you can ask for it. I'll do my best to have someone send it down."

Elias merely hummed in acknowledgement, too deep in his thoughts about meeting Hecate. This was the chance for him to return home. He was sure the goddess had something to do with his arrival since she had enough power to put him in this world, but even if she didn't place him here, he'll just have to find another god who might've done so.

He just really hoped it was Hecate. Elias knows he can't handle trying to find another god. He might not be so lucky in finding a kind god like Hades and his subjects... wherever Thanatos and Hypnos were at.

"I also have to talk to you about something, Elias."


"The Moirai will be coming to the palace shortly. I hope you don't mind. If you want, you can even talk to the sisters since you like them so much."

Elias faltered, feeling a little nervous. "They're coming right now?"

"They sometimes show up without telling me, but I just received word about it not too long ago. Would you like to meet them? It's alright if you don't, you can play wherever else in the castle. The statues don't see you as a threat anymore, so don't worry about them."

Elias wanted to go with the latter and just go someplace else, but then he remembered what the sisters did. They held the power of changing a man's destiny and could see into someone's future. Maybe they could also be some sort of help to Elias.

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