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   Elias didn't have time to unwind and relax like he wanted to when they returned home to Mykonos.

Instead of lazing around and sleeping whenever he wanted, he gathered up various things from the market with the money he secretly stole from Poseidon's palace. If the God of the Seas noticed and grew angry, Elias would just have to ignore it. He'd say it was compensation for going through a "traumatic" kidnapping.

But he didn't just stop at the materials. He bought a load of food as well, the majority of it being ripe fruits and vegetables. Some of the townspeople became a little concerned since this was the first time in a while that they saw Elias going on such a spending spree. But what concerned Prometheus the most was the fact he lugged back some plants after buying everything else.

Prometheus would've liked to question him what he was doing, but Elias was quick to shut himself in his room for the past few days. He barely came out to eat and the titan was always the one to prepare dinner and set it down next to Elias' door. The next morning or so, Prometheus would always come and pick the empty plates up and then sat down another plate full of food.

Elias, not really realizing how worried Prometheus was, continued to slave away to his work. What he was actually doing was creating an offering table for Hades. He hurt his hands in the process and had to stop sometimes, trying to wipe away the blood whenever he pricked his hands with the wood.

And once he was done, Elias leaned back to look over at his work. It wasn't the best, but it looked decent enough for him to finally set up. He burned some incense sticks, and the room was filled with a pleasant aroma. Not to mention, he carefully placed down a whole bunch of flowers that surrounded the rest of the offerings like the food. His room smelled amazing really, he should burn some more incense sticks later at night.

Elias didn't know if this would actually work since he made this offering table himself, and not once did it even look or feel magical enough to send his offerings to Hades. If it didn't, he might have to ask around where the temple of Hades is at.

For a good while, Elias prayed in front of the table with his knees on the ground. He's heard once or twice that the people here would pray on their feet to Zeus and that they'd pray by kneeling whenever it concerned Hades or other inhabitants of the underworld. He was still pretty unsure about this, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

After praying, he took a good look at the offering table and saw no signs of anything out of place. Elias sighed, thinking it'd work in a minute or so, or that he probably wasted his time making this thing.

Eventually, he got out of his room and sauntered over to the dining table tiredly. He even surprised Prometheus, who just finished making their food.

"You're done?" Prometheus questioned, pulling out a chair for Elias to sit in. "You seem tired."

"Mhmm," Elias replied softly. He didn't think too much of it when Prometheus stood behind him, gently placing his hands down on the male's shoulder and messaging him.

Elias wasn't that hungry. He wanted to sleep more than anything, but it had been hours since he last ate anything. In a hurry, he ate more than half of what was on his plate and got up to head back for bed.

Prometheus was standing his way though, a little reluctant to bring up his worries. "What have you been doing?"

"Just making a few things here are there..." Elias yawned, trying to get around the titan.

"But what is it?"

Elias tiredly munched on his food, taking a long time just to swallow it. "You really want to know?"

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