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"Take my hand. Watch your step."

Hades had placed a hand on the back of Elias' waist, carefully helping him down from the chariot and smiled at the boy, who was taking in the sight of the entrance to Olympus.

They broke through the clouds and ended up flying for a while across the open skies, but above them, Elias could see countless stars glittering down on them. Hades was kind enough to point at a constellation, explaining how it used to be a dolphin who helped Poseidon out. Because of his services, the god placed him up in the stars and named him Delphinus. Elias laid back against the soft cushions, remembering that story.

Hades continued to give him small lessons on each constellation they passed, not once stopping since Elias was interested in them. Although Elias was always in a rush to get back home, he probably wouldn't ever get used to the world of the ancient gods and will always be fascinated with them. Especially these constellations. Elias thinks the stars are his favorite parts of Ancient Greece.

When they finally arrived in Olympus, the chariot gently descended on a platform made entirely out of clouds. Hades gestured a hand up to the gigantic golden gates that were guarding the home of the gods. They only opened when another god appeared, either with partners or by themselves, and then the gates would immediately shut themselves to prevent anyone from getting in. Elias' eyes trailed up above the fences, thinking it would be so easily for someone to simply jump or fly over.

When Hades noticed his stare, the god chuckled. "The last time an uninvited god tried flying over the gates, they were captured by Hephaestus' creations and were sent back down to earth. I wouldn't try anything like that if I were you."

"I wasn't thinking of doing it," Elias lied. "I was just admiring the place."

He wasn't lying about that part. Although they haven't actually entered Olympus, it already seemed like perfect paradise outside of these gates. It made Elias want to stand still for a moment and soak the image up. One would think they're probably in actual heaven when they die, but no... Elias was alive and well, standing up in front of the gates to Olympus.

They didn't have to wait very long since Hades was able to walk right up to the gates and entered it easily. The other minor deities who were waiting were in a state of shock at the appearance of Hades. They stepped back, allowing him passage and immediately kept their heads down.

Hades looked at them once before turning away in disinterest, but the pressure of his stare made the gods bite their tongues. They even lowered their heads further, not wanting to look up at all until they heard Hades calling out to someone gently, beckoning them over to his side.

Elias waved goodbye to the skeleton and hurried over to Hades. He forced himself not to look at the gods bowing their heads, so he picked up his pace and took Hades' arm. The god smiled and escorted Elias inside.

Olympus was heaven. He already said it once, but Elias really thought he landed himself in absolute Utopia.

There were more stars shining up above, maybe even billions of them. The constellations here were larger and much easier to spot. In contrast to the darkness, Olympus settled themselves on top of gold tinted clouds and there were massive, looming temples spanning across miles and miles away. There were various deities already chatting amongst themselves, all beautiful and had distinctive features to which Elias couldn't look away from. Some gods had wings and soared through the air while others had tails like mermaids and played around in the clearest water Elias had seen.

But the most prominent feature would have to be the enormous palace sitting right on the very top of the highest point. It was larger than Poseidon's and Hades', and it seemed to shine brighter than the sun itself. Elias had to avert his eyes before the light hurts him, though he did notice something else.

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