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   "What did I tell you? I said not to interact with Hesiod anymore!" Lady Aikaterine wailed. "He's not normal! He isn't someone to be around with! Now you've got the king's eyes on you! Father, you must help him!"

Lady Aikaterine incessantly kept begging Lord Dion and her husband to help remove Elias from the king's sight. But even if they wanted to, they simply couldn't since Hesiod was now involved. Any person he got too attached with would obsessively be watched over him and it was hard for his attention to stray.

At the very least, Lord Dion was certain Pelagios would be there to watch over Sisyphus and Hesiod. He knew how much the Roman hated cleaning up after those two and was strict on them, and he already saw how Pelagios took care of his grandson.

As much as he disliked the thought of a Roman walking in the courts of Greece, he couldn't deny the fact how civil Pelagios was. Even if he wasn't a good man, he was still better than the king and Hesiod.

So unfortunately, Alec had left Elias and Lapetus in the palace. He was reluctant to move away from his little brother until Hesiod appeared, happily greeting Alec.

It seemed like Hesiod knew of Alec, but he wasn't surprised to find Elias' older brother extremely uncomfortable and irritated.

Alec left before he could get annoyed by Hesiod further which made the man disheartened. Eventually, Hesiod also left the palace for other matters Sisyphus gave him.

Now, Elias was left alone in the guest chambers with Pelagios in front of him. He would've preferred to have Lapetus at his side, but the brunet was staying in another room Lapetus prepared.

"What did I tell you? I definitely said you'd regret it," Pelagios kept muttering out as he roughly dried Elias' wet hair. "Look at you now. You've just witnessed Sisyphus killing someone, but you went ahead and took a bath afterwards? How stupid are you? You should take the time to get your shit and leave the palace."

"I can't..."

"Of course you can. You have legs and know how to walk, don't you?"

Pelagios tossed the towel away and shoved Elias into the bed. He pulled the covers up and laid them on the male gently, even going as far as to tuck him in.

"I don't know why you're so calm in a situation like this, but I guess that's better than you panicking and screaming your head off. That shit's annoying and it makes me want to kill those who do that. Anyways, just keep quiet for the night and don't disturb anyone. Don't entertain Sisyphus, too. If you do, he'll want you to stay here even more. I'll keep an eye on you so don't worry about angering him."

Elias kept flinching as Pelagios constantly patted the top of his head. He managed to stop his head and timidly asked, "Can I have Lapetus with me?"


"What? Why not?"

"You aren't two. You don't need someone with you all the time. Don't even think about asking me to hold you hand, I won't do that."

"Sorry..." Elias was still uncomfortable knowing that Lapetus wasn't here with him. He was just so used to the man's company, he felt a little lonely.

Well, that was until Pelagios unconsciously started holding his hand before nagging at Elias to hurry up and close his eyes. Elias found it hard not to smile in amusement, so he finally turned over and kept quiet.

When Pelagios left, Elias immediately sprang right up on the bed and frowned. He didn't feel sleepy at all and was on edge the entire time. He guessed Pelagios also knew that, but the man probably got fed up waiting for Elias to fall asleep.

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