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Elias slept with Lapetus that night.

It took him a while to get off from the ground, but he realized he had to move before the king and Pelagios found him. In a hurry, he kept looking through all the guest rooms in the palace before finally finding Lapetus.

He was thankful the brunet wasn't asleep yet despite how late it had gotten. Lapetus had been sitting on a chair for the past few hours, reading a book in complete boredom until Elias walked in with a horrible expression.

As worried as he was, Elias didn't tell Lapetus anything and only claimed that he was a little afraid of sleeping by himself. Lapetus chose not to pry and allowed the boy to sleep right next to him on the bed.

It was a little reassuring having Lapetus by his side, but he was still restless from what happened. Elias could only grit his teeth and force himself to shut his eyes before curling up closer next to the man. Lapetus, knowing that he was having troubles, gently patted Elias on the back for a long time until he finally fell asleep.

But the sun was already close to breaking at that time, so Elias didn't get that much rest. When he woke up, the spot next to him was empty and cold. Lapetus was already up to fetch Elias some clothes that could fit him.

Now, the two of them were sitting at the king's table, quietly eating as Sisyphus beamed. The king was quite happy having Lapetus join, even if the brunet showed him a face full of contempt.

"Stop picking at your food. I keep telling you it's good for your health," Pelagios chided Lapetus from the side. He turned to Elias, "Eat everything on your plate. You'll grow bigger."

It was hard for Elias not to flinch, but he managed to keep his head down and nodded. "Yes..."

Sisyphus pouted. "You don't look too good. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"If it's nothing then keep eating. We don't waste food in this place." Pelagios grabbed whatever food was on Elias' plate and forced the boy to open his mouth, shoving it in there without remorse.

Lapetus aggressively shoved Pelagios away from Elias just as the dark haired male started coughing, finding it difficult to swallow.

Pelagios didn't mind his action, but Sisyphus immediately smacked the brunet's shoulder in irritation.

"Would you stop that?"

"I don't feel like it."


"Once I've stuffed both of them up, I'll have them leave the palace. I'm sure you're missing your family, right, Elias?"

Elias nodded, finally having swallowed the food. "Yes, I actually do."

"As for you, servant boy, you won't be annoyed by this stupid fool beside me and Hesiod any longer." Pelagios pointed out dryly. "I don't have time to keep babying the two of you."

Annoyed, but still responsive, Lapetus merely hummed before continuing to play with his food. Pelagios abruptly stopped eating, his features worsening by the sight. Lapetus didn't notice, but if he did, he didn't care to show it and kept picking at his plate while Elias hurriedly lifted a piece of fruit up to the man's lips.

Since it was Elias, Lapetus was obedient enough to eat it and even licked the tips of the male's fingers before pulling away. His expression was still blank, but gave a knowing glance over to Sisyphus. The king gave a strained smile.

Pelagios could hardly care and grumbled underneath his breath, muttering why Lapetus won't finish his food properly.

"We'll stay just a while longer... if you don't mind, Your Majesty."

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