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Nikolaos was incredibly happy to know about the girls visiting. Especially Chloris, he liked her the most since the girl accompanied him almost everywhere. He was even happier to know they planned on staying on the island for a few more days.

Callidora often went with the girl and never strayed from her side. She was usually quiet around strangers, but Callidora was surprisingly talkative when she faced the town leader. Nikolaos spent his time with the girls, extremely lively as he showed them around. He's never had children before, but he thought of them as daughters and liked to give them small trinkets as he did with Elias.

While the girls were out, Prometheus and Elias spent their own time inside the house quietly. Elias didn't want to go outside much and lazed around like usual with Prometheus hovering above him. When Chloris and Callidora came back, the head priestess rambled on and on about the things they saw on the island and the people they met. She even gave Elias some of the trinkets Nikolaos gifted them.

Elias and Prometheus weren't used to having lively company, even after Sisyphus' visit. The titan didn't really mind all that much which unnerved Elias since it wasn't that long when Prometheus showed his dislike towards them. Prometheus was behaving better than he thought.

The reason so was because Prometheus had Elias all to himself at night. Because the girls occupied Elias' bedroom, the boy settled right into Prometheus' bed.

At first, the titan was uncertain about the arrangement and thought to sleep on the floor like before until Elias gestured for him to come up and share the bed. It really was like the old times back in their old house. It was nostalgic to the titan even if Elias didn't think so.

Prometheus cherished these moments nonetheless and curled up closer next to Elias. He might not have the chance to do this again once the girls leave.

But their stay had come to pass quickly, and the girls had already packed their bags early in the morning. Elias was the last one to get up, needing to be nudged awake by Prometheus.

As Elias was slowly getting ready, Chloris and Callidora said their goodbye to Nikolaos, who nearly had to hold back tears. Every friend Elias brings was kind and interesting, especially Chloris. He didn't want them to leave... especially Elias because the boy had just returned from his trip not too long ago.

It seems like Elias is quite busy these days with his friends.

And then the four of them were off, leaving Nikolaos behind to wave goodbye sadly. He hoped Elias will come back sooner than last time.

"It was nice of Nikolaos to let us borrow a carriage!" Chloris said from inside the carriage. "Are you sure you don't want to come in, Elias?"

Elias politely declined as he rode on Dianthe, the horse Hesiod had gifted to him. "It's okay. It's probably crammed in there for you and Callidora anyways. Lapetus and I will just ride there for a while."

"If you ever want to switch, just tell us!"

"You know how to ride a horse?"

Chloris proudly stated, "Nope! But Callidora does!"

From inside, her companion slowly peeked her head out and nodded. "I do. We can stop right now and switch if you're uncomfortable."

"Would you like to do that?" Prometheus questioned from the side, riding his own horse.

Elias shook his head. Last time he tried riding a horse, Hesiod grew incessantly worried and thought he might fall off. He wasn't wrong, Elias was incredibly clumsy, but Dianthe had grown a little familiar of the boy and it wasn't hard for him to ride her. Still, he had vivid flashbacks to when Ares made fun of him. It ticked him off more than he realized, so Elias was adamant on staying on Dianthe the whole time.

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