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"Welcome, welcome! Don't be shy now! It's good to have guests come by often!"

Elias shuffled behind Sisyphus as a lavishly dressed man came out from his estate, happily widening his arms out to give Sisyphus a large hug. He looked several years older than the two of them.

"My friend! It's been a long time since you came to Delphi!"

"It's good to see you again, Hesiod," Sisyphus replied lightly.

"Oh? Who's this behind you?"

Elias stiffly looked up and sent a subtle nod to the man. Hesiod took a long time just assessing the boy, but then he smiled largely.

"I didn't think you'd bring a friend over! The more the merrier!"

Sisyphus wrapped an arm around Elias and explained, "When Pelagios so happily left me alone in an unknown village, I managed to find Elias. He's been helping for a while now, so please take care of him."

"It makes sense for Pelagios to abandon you," Hesiod sighed. "You probably did something to make him angry. Anyways, please come in! It's quite late now. Don't hesitate to make yourself at home, Elias!"

"Yes... thank you," Elias softly muttered.

Sisyphus gave Elias a sympathetic pat on the shoulder when he heard how shy the male was. In truth, Elias was too busy looking around the luxurious estate to bother to give out a chipper response. This place was large, larger than his own home.

Elias barely registered Sisyphus tugging him inside of Hesiod's home. The man kept chattering about, mostly to Sisyphus about how it's been a long time since he visited. There were a few times he commented over to Elias about not having to worry on asking anything. Elias was free to have whatever he wanted.

The dark haired male silently nodded and kept zoning out. Hesiod noticed, but he still kept up his cheery grin and finally led the two over to the large dining hall where food had already been set up.

"I wasn't really expecting company tonight, but I'll make sure to bring more food in just a minute."

Elias sat down and looked over what was being served. It seemed a little too extravagant for just one person.

"This is okay," he mumbled out. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Oh, don't be so polite!" Hesiod laughed loudly just as Sisyphus took a seat next to Elias. "Like I said, you can have whatever you want! I just love having guests over!"

Elias sent the blond a strange look as Hesiod was carried away by putting more food on the boy's plate. He went as far as to order some dessert.

"We need more cheese and figs! Don't forget to serve some wine!" Hesiod barked out to a nearby servant.

Sisyphus lightly smiled. "I think I'll pass on wine. Would you like some, Elias?"

He shook his head. Elias still thought he was a little too young for alcohol. "No..."

"More for me then!" Hesiod happily stated. "Now then, if I may ask you something, Sisyphus."

"Go ahead."

"What made you want to come all the way over to Delphi? Surely, it's not to visit your dear old friend."

"You caught me there," Sisyphus hummed. "I was thinking of going to see the oracle."

"Oracle? Is your partner also coming along?"

"Yes, I promised to take him since he's so graciously looked over me."

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