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   When the final Titanomachy began, Elias wasn't there to see it. Ares had abandoned Hera's side to grab him instead, lifting him up into his arms like before to escape.

Hera was fine by herself. Even without powers, she's still a goddess and practically shoved Ares out of the way once the war began.

It's over. There's no such thing as safety anymore.

As soon as Cronus collided with Zeus, everyone rammed into each other and their voices shook Olympus. The gods were at a disadvantage due to them not being in their real forms. If any mortal were to lay their eyes upon them, they would simply disintegrate.

And because of Ares' soldiers, along with Elias in his hold, the God of War could only run away briefly to take Elias off Olympus. He couldn't risk revealing his godly form. And Hera was left behind, already encountering the other titans to help Zeus.

Elias hugged Ares' neck tightly, ducking his face into the crook of the god's neck as Ares tore through the crowds. Even though he didn't want to go through the battle, there wasn't any other path for them. Everywhere else was infested with monsters crawling, hissing at the deities before they tried to rip and tear into them.

"Piss off." Ares kicked a demon-like creature away when it got too close. It flew across several yards and knocked into other monsters.

"Where are we going? What about the queen?"

"Her Majesty might be weak right now, but she isn't completely useless. You saw her take Crius out, didn't ya?" Ares propped Elias up properly, his eyes still on the grounds warily. "Don't let go. I'm about to go faster."

"What? I'll slip!"

"You won't. I'm holding onto you, too."

"Ares, wait-"

Ares kisses him close to the corner of his lips, grinning cheekily as if they weren't in the middle of an ongoing battle. Elias scowls, already yanking the back of Ares' hair in response. The god laughs instead, not at all bothered.

"Damn, I can't wait for our wedding. We need to run off somewhere after this shit dies down." Ares says, adjusting the mortal in his arms as he gets ready to jump down.

"You're still going on about that?"

"Uh, yeah? I'm like, your husband now."

Elias ducks into his embrace as they fell, feeling the wind hit his face. He gives Ares a look though.

"We didn't even have a wedding. You just said you couldn't wait for it. Not to mention, we haven't even gone out together." He raised a hand, softly hitting the back of his knuckles against Ares' temple. "You're so stupid."

"But I'm funny, right? Aphrodite said people like funny guys. Except I'm not joking. We're basically married now with everything that's going on, and I can even get Aphrodite to bless us."

"Could you please pay attention? You're going to drop me."

Ares rolls his eyes. They landed in a mass group of monsters, and even though Elias curled up impossibly closer, scared of them, Ares wasn't so fazed. He merely raised an eyebrow and mumbled out a grunt of annoyance. Elias couldn't quite get it due to the loud noises, but the monsters caught word of it apparently and backed away cautiously. Although they bared their fangs and revealed their shape claws, none of them wanted to get close.

Ares would've turned them into dust. They've no chance with the god.

But even so, Ares wasn't taking the chance. He planned on going through them and then getting the hell out of this place to go back down to mortal grounds, but something dropped down in front of the two which made Ares back away instantly.

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