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   Typhon was happier than he ever was.

He doesn't remember anything about when he was created if he's being honest. He was made to go against the gods, so that's what he did. There was no such thing as right and wrong back then, and he didn't really care if there was. Until he got imprisoned of course, because during those times being trapped underneath the earth, Typhon finally understood what he had done.

There wasn't any remorse from him though. How could he feel regretful when he never cared about anything in the beginning?

That all changed when Elias fell into his domain. He didn't' think too much about him first, yet he was still bothered by the male's presence. Typhon honestly took him for a snack and was about to kill him until he actually got a good look at the human. And his fucking scent.

There was this chill that ran through his spine. Typhon has never felt that before. He felt as if he had gone through a fright and had been incredibly intimidated, but it wasn't like he was really afraid. The feeling wasn't the same as that. And thinking about it now, it could've been him being so dumbstruck and mesmerized.

He wanted to keep him. He didn't know Elias, but he adored him to the point where it hurt to breathe.

Typhon still doesn't understand why it became like this, but he doesn't question it. Why should he when he's finally so content and at peace with himself?

And he thought Elias was the same as him. They finally met each other after a long time, not only that, but Elias couldn't stay away from him. He looked back at the monster with hearts in his eyes.

So, they had to be the same! They shared mutual feelings!

Yet, he was confused as to why Elias suddenly grew cold with him. He hardly ever looks at him anymore, and if Typhon tried getting near him, Elias would simply continue to ignore his presence or make up some type of excuse to leave.

It wasn't like this at the beginning. Elias was still kind to him and was affectionate. He allowed Typhon small kisses here and there, and even with the creature became rough with him in the bedroom during the nights, Elias merely chuckled and continued to indulge him without any hesitation. He'd even be the one to initiate first contact with Typhon as well.

But then somewhere along the way, Typhon would notice Elias dozing off into his own little world. Every time he'd kiss him, Elias just has this sort of... blank look in his eyes. He'd brush it off though, making Typhon doubt what he saw, but it kept happening. Over and over again until it was hard to get anymore affection from Elias.

Just what went wrong?

Elias would like to tell him what exactly the problem was since he plans on going back to his real home soon, but he doubted the monster would understand what he was even saying.

He wasn't so oblivious to the starving gazes of his soulmate and would feel bad about the way Typhon was desperate to get his attention back. It was honestly difficult to ignore him due to his looks. It's natural for gods and titans to be handsome, but why the hell does Typhon look good in human form, too?

It just didn't make any sense to Elias. He was absolutely terrified of his actual form back in Tartarus, but now? He couldn't stop looking at Typhon for days. He didn't get such a good luck at him during the night when they got back together, but when he got a closer look at him the next morning, he was shocked by his appearance.

Typhon didn't give off an overwhelming presence like before or like any of the other gods, but someone might be a little put off to how intimidating he seemed with just a glance. He was rather tall and had almost the same body-build as Zeus, and his features were sharp and somewhat hostile. His dark red eyes reminded him of Ares, but they were more intense in a way that couldn't exactly be explained. It was as if Typhon was constantly on guard, hardly ever smiling or relaxing other than when he looks at Elias.

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